Tuesday, October 13, 2015

This dithering president, hoping to leave his mess to his successor

Michael Ramirez Cartoon

Putin Bombs Syria, As Obama Saddles My Little Pony  "Rivalry: When told Russia's Vladimir Putin was challenging his leadership, President Obama's first response was to say that his "definition of leadership would be leading on climate change." We're not making this up.
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But it's no accident that he mentioned climate change first. He has said before that there is no "greater threat to future generations than climate change."

"The nation should be quaking that it has a president who would say — and maybe even believe — something so shallow and trend-driven. While the Islamic State continues to steal, kill and destroy, and Putin is seizing land and bombing his way to becoming the world's strong man, our president wants to saddle My Little Pony.

"In the midst of this presidential flailing, a couple of big hitters in the science world are hoping to straighten out the crooked thinking on global warming.
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"Our country should be concerned that its president would rather chase an enemy that doesn't exist than confront the hard realities of the Middle East and Islamic terrorism. But he is exactly what a lot of voters asked for. Maybe they are where the madness lies."  Emphasis added, TD

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