Friday, November 13, 2015

Universities have become totalitarian gulags

Robert Oscar Lopez "The modern American university has become a taxpayer-subsidized left-wing gulag.  In it, dissenters such as myself can be subjected to Stalinist show trials, spied on, and threatened with loss of livelihood for espousing dangerous ideas or associating with political pariahs.  If Republicans continue to moan about "liberal bias" and "losing the culture wars" without mustering the courage to do something about it – à la I have glimpsed the future that awaits the whole country if the Equality Act is passed.  My university – which I have nicknamed Gaslight University – has charged me with "discrimination" against gays and women.  I suggest that you check out the article by Peter Fricke (or this onethis one
or this one or this one or this one).  If moved, you are always free to sign the online petition posted by a British academic or the online petition posted by Ruth Institute president Jennifer Roback Morse.

"Everything you've heard recently about universities shredding the Constitution is unfortunately true."   . . .

Robert Oscar Lopez is author of The Colorful Conservative and Jephthah's Daughters: Innocent Casualties in the War for Family "Equality" and editor of English Manif and Gaslight University.

Pat Condell | Banning Free Speech on Campus — the Violent Suppression of Critical Inquiry  “The joke is that you claim to operate from a moral position.  In truth, you’re on the same moral level as wartime collaborators. You’re doing real damage, and you will not be forgiven.”

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