Monday, January 11, 2016

Some of the commentary out there on Hillary

FBI's Clinton probe expands to public corruption track
. . . "Inside the FBI, pressure is growing to pursue the case. 
"One intelligence source told Fox News that FBI agents would be “screaming” if a prosecution is not pursued because “many previous public corruption cases have been made and successfully prosecuted with much less evidence than what is emerging in this investigation.” 
"The FBI is particularly on edge in the wake of how the case of former CIA Director David Petraeus was handled. " . . . 

Hillary hey

Clinton supporters would vote for Hillary no matter what   "
A former federal prosecutor recently made headlines with his prediction that Hillary Clinton will be indicted soon for trafficking in classified information on a private e-mail server while working as secretary of State. But should a criminal indictment put Clinton’s bid for the Democratic presidential nomination on hold? Just over half of Democrats say no." . . .

In recent poll, all leading Republicans beat or tie Hillary . . ."As usual in national polls, Trump is doing worse against Hillary than the other two, but I believe this is the first time he’s ever led Hillary, so that’s a change for the better for Trump."

Storm Clouds Form: Bob Woodward Compares Hillary Scandal to Watergate  . . . "Among the security breaches: Clinton forwarded the name of a confidential CIA source to staff at State through her insecure server. Michael Isikoff, a noted investigative reporter, told MSNBC’s Morning Joe last August that the naming of a CIA source was “evidence of a crime by somebody' ” . . .

Classified Clinton E-mails Skyrocket in Latest Document Dump

CIA Confirms Clinton’s ‘Top Secret’ E-mails Were Classified from Day One

Hillary: Look, My Latest Classified Email Problem is Just Another Fake Controversy  . . . "Network anchor John Dickerson doesn't quite allow her 'much ado about nothing all over again' spin to go unchallenged, pointedly noting that an active FBI investigation into various elements of her email scheme remains underway. " . . .

The Clinton Standard: Third World Corruption   . . . "What is going on in Washington? Has it accepted the “Clinton standard” for sale of high public office?" Gennifer Flowers had this to say about Hillary.

40-something Hillary Clinton should worry Democrats
"The latest FOX poll is bad news for Mrs Clinton:  
She loses to Senator Rubio (50-41%),
Senator Cruz is up 7 (50-43%),
she ties Bush (44-44%),
Trump leads (47-44%),
and Christie leads (47-44%).    
"Dr. Carson is the only candidate she defeats, according to this poll.

"It takes more than one poll to persuade me one way or another.  However, there is a trend in the polls that should scare Democrats: Hillary is 40-something time after time." . . .

A few days ago, I joked with a Democrat friend that it may be time for Hillary Clinton to be indicted.  His response was interesting.  He said that it'd be a quick way to get rid of Hillary Clinton and open the door to fresh faces.
 Is Hillary Boring Democrats in Iowa?

There's no other way to say it: Hillary Clinton is very boring. The Democratic presidential frontrunner's campaign stops are, too. The members of her traveling press corps look like they'd rather be anywhere else. So do some of the attendees, who shift in their seats starting around minute 10. Even the campaign staffers pace the back of the room or tap inattentively on their iPhones as Clinton drones on about finding a cure for Alzheimer's and universal pre-kindergarten.

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