Tuesday, February 9, 2016

This Might Be Why Hillary Won’t Release Her Goldman Sachs Speech Transcripts

Daily Caller  "As Hillary Clinton resists calls to release transcripts from her paid Goldman Sachs speeches, details of those events are emerging, and they aren’t good for the Democratic presidential candidate.

“ 'It was pretty glowing about us,” one attendee at an Oct. 2013 Goldman Sachs event in Arizona told Politico about Clinton’s speech, which earned the former secretary of state $225,000. “It’s so far from what she sounds like as a candidate now. It was like a rah-rah speech. She sounded more like a Goldman Sachs managing director.”
“It would bury her against Sanders,” the attendee told Politico, referring to Clinton’s challenger, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. “It really makes her look like an ally of the firm.”
Hillary Clinton Failed To Bash Goldman Sachs While Giving Speech To Goldman Sachs Paid For By Goldman Sachs

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