Wednesday, February 10, 2016

End of the Line for These Three Republicans?

NRO: How Long Should Christie, Fiorina, and Carson Stick Around?
. . . ""As the race goes on, primary voters tend to cluster around the front-runners. Comebacks are hard in presidential politics. "

RedState  "Sadly, it appears that New Hampshire may have muddied the GOP field, rather than clarifying it. Even though Kasich and Jeb do not have obvious paths forward to the nomination, they are going to convince themselves that they do, at least through Super Tuesday – and they will probably find donors who will indulge that belief. Somewhere, Donald Trump is smiling about it all.

"However, we can at the very least say “sayonara” to three Republicans who have absolutely no path forward after tonight, not even in their own heads. First of all is Ben Carson. After finishing a very distant fourth in Iowa, and dead last in New Hampshire, it is clear that Carson has absolutely no shot at the nomination. None. Zero. His polling is going into the toilet, he’s hemorrhaging the last of his legitimate campaign staff, and he’s in this for the sole reason of taking votes from Ted Cruz.
"The second is Carly Fiorina. Fiorina can’t make debate stages anymore, she can’t get traction in New Hampshire, she can’t even get on the media as a candidate. Fiorina might end up being a talented surrogate and maybe VP candidate for one of the candidates down the road, but the longer she stays in the race, the longer she takes votes from someone who might win, and thus diminishes her chances. I expect Fiorina will bow out soon.

I find it sad, having wanted to learn more of this dignified, articulate lady. If only we could replace Trump with her. TD
"The third is Chris Christie. Christie blew his entire wad on taking down Marco Rubio in the debate on Saturday night. I suspect Marco Rubio will bounce back, but Christie clearly made a dent for now. Unfortunately, Christie himself is an unlikable jackass, and whatever votes he pried away from Rubio went somewhere else as a consequence. . . . 
Is Chris Christie Dropping Out?

Goodbye Chris Christie And Good Riddance   . . . "I hope it was worth it. You had a chance to take on Donald Trump to the betterment of the party and the country and you didn’t. "

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