Saturday, May 21, 2016

Target CEO Blames Global Warming, Not Bathroom Policy, for Hurting Sales…

Mooch Target

"He got his information from the secret Target shopper.
"Via Breitbart:
"As retailer Target sees its stock plummeting and sales dropping in the midst of a boycott over its recently announced pro-transgender bathroom policy, the company’s CEO is insisting the weather is the cause of falling sales, not the company’s bathroom policy.
In a recent Wall Street Journal interview, Target CEO Brian Cornell pegged the downturn in the company’s fortunes to the cold weather as opposed to anything the company itself is doing or not doing.
“It’s been a very wet and cold start to the year and it’s reflected in our sales,” Cornell told the paper. “We haven’t seen anything from a structural standpoint that gives us pause.”
In other words, the weather is responsible for the downturn, not Target’s “structural” transgender bathroom policy


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