Monday, February 6, 2017

The Left Blasts Lady Gaga for Not Ruining the Super Bowl

PJ Media

"Playing the Super Bowl halftime show is a daunting task: no matter how well you perform, some will invariably say your show was awful. But I'm sure Lady Gaga, considering her ... unique style, has a thick skin by now and was prepared for it.

"However, I'm fairly sure she didn't expect her fellow leftists to take to social media to blast her halftime show not for her performance itself, but because she didn't exploit an opportunity to shove politics down the world's throat.

"She did open her show with a generic comment about how America stands for "liberty and justice for all." This could have been construed as a poke at President Trump and his recent executive order restricting immigration from a handful of Islamic nations, but it could just as well have been a tribute to America. And apparently, being less than explicit is unacceptable:
Apparently not entirely:  Lady Gaga's Halftime Show Started Off With a Subtle Anti-Trump Message   . . . "And many protesters have been singing the Guthrie song as part of their anti-Trump rhetoric too. While subtle, Gaga made some political commentary after all. And of course, Lady Gaga did sing her hit sing "Born This Way," which claims LGBT populations were born with their sexual or gender identities."

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