Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Democrats Want Their Pound of Kavanaugh Flesh

Mike Ramirez
National Review  . . . Regardless of the validity of the accusation, the timing on it is straight out of Anita Hill. The woman is said to have approached Senate Democrats in July, but two months later, in the public hearing, Kavanaugh was never asked about the incident, nor did it come up in the 1,278 written follow-up questions he has since answered.

"The New Yorker magazine implies that the reason for the delay in bringing up the incident is that Dianne Feinstein, the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is now suddenly worried that she will be blamed for “going easy” on Judge Kavanaugh. Senator Feinstein faces a left-wing Democrat in the November election, whom she currently leads in the polls by 40 points. Similar claims were made against Joe Biden, when he was the ranking member of Senate Judiciary Committee and apparently didn’t move in for the kill against Clarence Thomas with enough vigor. Those claims never seemed to hurt Joe Biden’s career." . . .
Hat tip to the above cartoonist, Mike Ramirez

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