Friday, September 14, 2018

Where is the disgust toward Democrats one would expect?

Clarence Thomas stands up to Biden and the Democrats
"Around 9:30 p.m., after Anita Hill accused him of sexual harassment, Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas responded, calling his nomination hearing "a high-tech lynching.' "

At another time, Democrats on this same committee sent Judge Alito's wife out in tears.   . . . "’Are you really a closet bigot?’ Graham asked Alito. The nominee said no, and Graham said, "No sir, you’re not."
"Commenting on the AP story, Coalition for a Fair Judiciary President Kay Daly said: “Mrs. Alito has shown grace under pressure after months of abuse at the hands of well-funded, left-wing organizations and their Democratic minions on the Senate Judiciary Committee. For the Associated Press to misrepresent these events in an attempt to smear Republican Senator Lindsey Graham sets a new low in the already subterranean level of journalistic standards on display in Judge Alito’s confirmation process.' ” . . .
To "bork";  How ‘Robert Bork’s America’ Gave Us Justice Kennedy’s America  
. . . Judge Bork, a brilliant constitutional scholar, had been nominated by President Reagan to the U.S. Supreme Court, and Kennedy, the Massachusetts Democrat who chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee, was having none of it.
"Just minutes after Bork was nominated in July 1987, Kennedy took to the floor of the Senate to deliver his vitriol:" . . .

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