Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Off-teleprompter Obama rambles, nearly incoherently attacking American global warming skeptics

"We could have electricity and smartphones and all that stuff which would buy us probably another 20, 30 years for that technological breakthrough that's necessary," Obama continued. "The reason we don't do it is because we are still confused, blind, shrouded with hate, anger, racism, mommy issues."
Thomas Lifson  "Back in 2008, when he was addressing vast throngs in Berlin and Mile High Stadium, Barack Obama was, we were assured by most of the Smart Set, one of the greatest orators in history. That was but one of the many ways in which he was overrated by those anxious for the first black president to be a brilliant champion of the Democratic Party, “bending the arc of history” toward progressivism.

"Those of us who paid attention to his speaking abilities when he was not reading a prepared text were already skeptical, with his stalling the completion of his thoughts with  “uh…uh” and mispronunciations (“corpse-man”) and outright errors (“57 states” speaking “Austrian” in Austria) painful evidence that this was no Winston Churchill, and not even a passably well-educated man.
"But at least he had the discipline of a White House staff behind him, presumably briefing him before he opened his mouth in public.
"Yesterday, in an utterly friendly venue (an Obama Foundation event) and a friendly audience, Barack went so far off the rails into incoherence that I am wondering if Obama has reverted to the habits of his choom gang days." . . .

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