Saturday, August 25, 2018

Silliness destroys the greatness of a nation

Let’s All Tell More “White People” Jokes!  . . . "Not used to being made fun of? White people would probably have to go back to sometime in the mid-1960s to recall a time when they weren’t constantly being mocked. Young white people, especially, were born into a world where whites were the ONLY people it was OK to mock. Not only can one’s career be ruined by mocking nonwhites, one risks eternal social pariah status merely for pointing out the double standard. For those in media, mocking white people is a form of career advancement, as we all learned when The New York Times hired Sarah Jeong despite—or maybe because of—her history of saying virulently anti-white things." . . .
No, you dimwit, unlike you, we haven’t all swallowed that line of obviously fraudulent sophistry. If the word “racism” is to have any meaning at all, and if we even want to pretend we’re going to avoid a cultural civil war, we should keep the word confined to meaning what I was taught it meant when I was a kid—negative feelings or thoughts toward other races. From memory, there was no double standard for about, oh, eighteen months sometime in the mid-1970s, and since then, you can’t say a good word about white people or a bad word about anyone else without being socially and financially destroyed.  . . . 
Prepare yourselves. The ignorant and stupid, and those who control them, are telling us they are coming, what they think of us, and what they hope to do to us.  . . . "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."  So said Martin Luther King, Jr.  The danger lies, in part, in the fact that these characteristics are both intellectual and moral defects, which render the possessor of these flaws vulnerable to manipulation by those who use the illusion of morality to accomplish utterly immoral ends.  Never in our lifetimes have these two flaws been more proudly demonstrated and celebrated than now, in reaction to the presidency of Donald Trump.  Because of his effect, the incoherent emotionalism of the left, coupled with leftists' carefully taught inability to think rationally or critically, has been revealed to us on a disturbingly grand scale.  The extent had been largely hidden from us for decades as liberals and progressives felt safe and thus had no need to openly fight for the overthrow that was coming incrementally, without violent conflict." . . .

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