Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The son of a 9/11 victim spoke out against Democrats and members of the media using the terror attacks as “political theater” on Tuesday.

Daily Caller  Video at the link:  "Nicholas Haros, who lost his mother in the attacks, was one of the volunteers reading the names of victims at Ground Zero in Tuesday’s memorial.
"After completing his list of names and paying tribute to his late mother, Haros slammed Democrats Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Cory Booker and a member of the media for using the 9/11 victims as “props.”

“ 'And one more thing, if I may,” Haros started, talking over the music meant to end his speaking time.
“ 'This year, a representative of the House referred to our loss as just another incident. This year, a network commentator said the president’s performance in Helsinki was a traitorous act as was 9/11,” Haros asserted. “And last week, a senator attacked a Supreme Court nominee and called him a racist for alleged comments after 9/11.”
“ 'Stop. Stop,” he pleaded. “Please stop using the bones and ashes of our loved ones as props in your political theater. Their lives, sacrifices and death are worth so much more. Let’s not trivialize them or us. It hurts.' ”

He was believed to be referring to a comment by Sen. Cory Booker during the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation hearing
"He named specific instances with lawmakers, which are believe[d] to be House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and New Jersey Senator Cory Booker"

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