Tuesday, September 11, 2018

WaPo Fact-Checker Warns Dems: Don’t Keep Propagating Kamala Harris’ Falsehoods On Kavanaugh

We have yet to hear to hear definitively from Susan Collins or Lisa Murkowski, who hold the key to confirmation. However, the quality, hyperbole, and sheer dishonesty of the arguments being deployed against him likely will cement their desire to ensure those tactics do not get rewarded and therefore deployed in the future. (Lets just hope they don't pull a McCain)

Hot Air

"Not only should Kamala Harris stop trying to sell her argument* on Brett Kavanaugh and abortifacient drugs, Glenn Kessler advises at the Washington Post, Democrats should stop buying it. Yesterday, Politifact — hardly a bastion of conservative action — threw a flag on Harris’ claim that Kavanaugh himself thinks of all contraception as abortive, and noted that several of her fellow Senate Democrats had picked up the argument, too. Kessler drops four Pinocchios on Harris in a detailed fact check, and tells Democrats to drop it:" . . .
. . . 
"Oddly, FactCheck still hasn’t weighed in on this, although they had been tracking claims made in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing all last week. A check of the “Kavanaugh files” this morning doesn’t show any discussion of Kamala Harris’ claims, although they do have a lengthy analysis of the debate over abortion. That’s dated the same day that Harris tweeted out her deceptive and dishonestly edited video clip of Kavanaugh’s answer, but it doesn’t even get a mention there. Hmmm."

*Politifact concludes that they rate Harris’ statement “false,” but it’s worse than that. Harris spent all of last week shredding her own credibility, complete with a “cross-examination” stunt that became an embarrassing failed bluff. This intellectually dishonest cheap shot completely ignores how attorneys, courts, and arguments work. The only thing Harris has proven over the last week is that she’s spectacularly unfit for the Senate Judiciary Committee, and for the Senate as well. The very best thing that can be said about Kamala Harris is that she’s consistent.

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