Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Awful: Senate Dems Block Anti-Infanticide Bill

Leah Barkoukis  "Sen. Ben Sasse and his Republican colleagues did not receive the unanimous consent they were looking for on legislation that would’ve outlawed infanticide. "Democratic Washington Sen. Patty Murray blocked the “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act,” presented by Sasse, that would’ve given infants who survived abortions medical care and protections under the law.
“Frankly, this shouldn’t be hard,” he said.
 . . . 
"Murray argued the legislation is not necessary because there are already laws on the books that prohibit infanticide. 
“ 'This is a gross misinterpretation of the actual language of the bill that is being asked to be considered and, therefore, I object,” said Murray.
"After her objection, Republican Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa lamented that the Senate “can no longer unanimously condemn murder.' ” . . .

NR: Senate Democrats Block Bill Prohibiting Infanticide  . . . "Democratic Senator Patty Murray of Washington objected to the bill on the floor, preventing it from receiving unanimous consent. Murray claimed that the legislation is unnecessary because there are already legal prohibitions on infanticide. Murray was the only Democratic senator to come to the Senate floor this evening and left immediately after objecting.

. . . “ 'It is hard to fathom the extremism of politicians in New York and now Virginia who would deny the protections of law to the most vulnerable members of our society, the innocent unborn, even up to birth,” Senator Josh Hawley (R., Mo.) said of the recent legislation that would expand the right to post-viability abortion. “Is this really the extremism of the Democratic party?”
“Some are tempted when they see this rising tide of barbarism and cruelty to feel despair, but I am not,” Hawley said. “I think of the words of Lincoln who spoke of the unfinished work of this nation. . . . We must press forward in this generation for our revolutionary faith.' ” . . .

Update:  Lone Dem Senator Blocks Bill Banning Infanticide For Babies Who Survive Abortions   "On Monday, Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), blocking a Senate bill that would require doctors to give aid to babies who survived abortions, objected to the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, and her one vote was enough to prevent the Senate from passing the bill in a unanimous consent vote, LifeSiteNews reports."

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