Sunday, March 10, 2019

Truly Bad People

"Rather than attempting to quell the fears of these children and allow them to be instead of scared pawns in a farcical progressive power play, the Democratic Party celebrates their deception. They’re proud of their work. They’re proud of the lying, they’re proud of the fear."

Townhall  " Fear is a great motivator, as is anger. Those two emotions are among the most powerful and destructive feelings that human beings can experience. Politicians use them, to varying degrees, regularly and effectively. But rarely has a political party so openly embraced these two sentiments as the argument for supporting them. Democrats no longer use fear and anger as tactics, they’re now both the means and the end to winning elections. And for a large percentage of the public, it works.  
"Successful politicians who have a lasting place in history have taken the other route. Ronald Reagan sought to inspire the country to believe in themselves and the nation, even during the tension of the Cold War. John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton did the same, telling people things could be better, that the United States is better. Even Donald Trump, with “Make America Great Again,” is telling people things can be better than the stagnation at the time.
"Now the Democrats have decided to take a different path. “The world is coming to an end” is meant to inspire only disaster avoidance if obedience is granted to liberals’ demand.
"This occurs on nearly every issue. Climate change will kill you, unless Democrats get their way." . . . 

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