Saturday, July 27, 2019

Not On A Roll: The Left Is Coming For Our Toilet Paper

MRC  "Toilet paper is “worsening climate change” according to the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Especially if it’s “the pillowy soft kind.”

"The organization recently tweeted out this information, which caught the attention of American Thinker and other websites." . . .
. . . "So, they want you to avoid Charmin (maybe because it was recently ranked the #1 toilet paper?) because time is running out.
I guess they haven’t visited the Canadian Natural Resources website which claims:
Less than 0.3% of Canada’s forests are harvested annually.Less than 0.02% of Canada’s forests are deforested each year.100% of forests harvested on Canada’s public land must be successfully regenerated.
. . . "3 rolls a week for EACH American? Seems, uh, a little high. This may be a factor in their calculations.

"If you desire to make your own calculations based on your personal toilet paper use, you can. Thankfully, the NRDC website provides a link to a paper calculator by the Environmental Paper Network." . . .

Did they get this info from CNN?

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