Friday, September 20, 2019

The Old Grey Lady, she ain't what she used to be

The Great Oversight in the NY Times Kavanaugh Smear  . . . "The criticisms have focused on two major oversights in the Times' reporting on Judge Kavanaugh's freshman year at Yale.  One, of course, is that the "victim" of his alleged penis-waving has no memory of it.  The second is that the sole "witness" just happens to be a Democratic attorney who defended Bill Clinton during the period when Clinton was being rightly accused of exposing himself to women and worse.

"What has gotten less attention is the book's great oversight, and that has to do with Christine Blasey Ford.  In the Times article, the reporters note that "we found Dr. Ford's allegations credible during a 10-month investigation."  The reporters have blamed their editors for the article's shortcomings.  For the book, however, they have no one to blame but themselves.

"Throughout the book, in fact, the reporters would assign the word "credibility" to Ford as though her story was unimpeachable.  It wasn't.  Pogrebin and Kelly simply chose not to look at the evidence.  It stared them in the face." . . .
"This book is an embarrassment."
“The real bombshell”: CBS News hits NYT over Kavanaugh story to focus on witness tampering  "Who would have expected the harshest media rebuke of the New York Times to come from the CBS Evening News? It starts off like a rehash of the NYT’s hit job on Brett Kavanaugh, but as correspondent Jan Crawford noted on Twitter, it takes a sharply critical turn at the end. Not only does Crawford note that every one of Christine Blasey Ford’s cited witnesses say the alleged high-school party with Kavanaugh never happened, Crawford uses the cutting-room floor clippings from the NYT’s story to focus on Leland Keyser’s claim of witness tampering." . . .
. . . "Somehow the NYT’s editors thought rehashing old and utterly uncorroborated campus gossip from the Golden Girls era was bigger news than witness tampering by Blasey Ford’s allies. If you missed yesterday’s adventures in the collapse of credibility at the New York Times regarding Keyser, catch up here." . . .
‘They LOST the battle’: Peggy Noonan triggers #MeToo with piece on why they’re REALLY targeting Kavanaugh 
"Peggy Noonan NAILED the entire #MeToo movement and the Resistance crowd in general with her piece about why they will never stop targeting Kavanaugh. "
. . . "In other words, they’re a bunch of raging, frothy-mouthed, stompy-fisted, hate-donkeys who can’t accept when they lose so they’ll continue to try and find a way to win. "Sort of like what we’ve seen from the Left in general since Trump won in 2016." 

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