Friday, September 20, 2019

Why they’ll never stop targeting Kavanaugh

Hot Air  "Because the crazier parts of the progressive left increasingly see politics as public theater, with heroes and villains, cheers and hisses from the audience, and costumes, such as outfits from “The Handmaid’s Tale.” Because modern politics is, for the lonely and strange on all sides, entertainment and diversion. And one’s people must be entertained.

"Because many progressives believe deep in their hearts that conservative men are both sexually obsessed and repressed, that conservatism is a way of looking at the world in which women are lesser, mere prey. They think this is behind everything, including conservative reservations about or opposition to abortion. In this view, conservative jurists who say things like “60% of my clerks were women” and “I coach the girls’ soccer and debate teams” are engaged in an elaborate cover. They hate the modern world. Behind closed doors they’re always swinging caveman’s clubs." . . ,

Will any 2020 Democrat apologize to Brett Kavanaugh? (and his family?) "It’s now been three days since The New York Times corrected — er, retracted — its attack against Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Turns out the “new allegation” isn’t supported by the victim, a fact conveniently left out of the story.
"And still Kamala Harris, Liz Warren, Beto O’Rourke, Julian Castro and Pete Buttigieg have not apologized or reversed their calls for Kavanaugh to be impeached.
"How long will it be before at least one of them shows the basic decency and fairness to take back the impeachment demand? We’re waiting."

The Architect of the Latest Kavanaugh Smear Just Gave a Self-Damning Radio Interview  . . . "That brings up a related question: Has Stier ever actually told this story under penalty of perjury? He seems to have carefully avoided doing so." . . . 
Tony Branco

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