Thursday, January 16, 2020

Impeachment commentary:"Impeachment Is Not the Issue, It's the 2020 Election"

American Thinker is a site you can link to for thoughtful commentary on politics

Impeachment Is Not the Issue, It's the 2020 Election

Sally Zelikovsky: For Pelosi's Impeachment Democrats, It's All about the Disruption
. . . "With the Democrats, we have a case of a predictable paternalistic party that controls the media, the educational system, and the culture.  We must identify all of their vulnerabilities, which can overlap with their strengths, anticipate their moves, and devise a strategy to defeat them before they even know what hit them. Kind of like what the Democrats have been doing to us for decades." . . .
Some of us had suggested that the Democrats would exert untold pressure on weaklings in the GOP – Romney, Collins, Murkowski, Portman, Gardner, etc.—to persuade them to vote with Democrats and against the Republican majority for a “fair” trial and any number of procedural votes that only required a 51-vote majority. 
There are Republican RINOs who would side with these people: 

Bill Livingstone: Impeachment Is Not the Issue, It's the 2020 Election  . . . "What do the Democrats offer voters in response?  High taxes, open borders, gun confiscation, abolishing ICE, uprooting the electoral college, restricting free speech, a Green New Deal, free health care for illegal aliens, scrubbing bail for crimes, and more – all loony left issues that scare the bejesus out of middle America.  Making matters worse, the leading Democrat presidential candidates are a bust, uninspiring talking heads who can barely muster a respectable crowd in far-left districts.
"So how do Democrats hope to win in November?  By making Trump the issue.  By demonizing the president to such an extent that voters will turn against him despite his successes." . . .

Andrea Widburg: The Democrats' weird response to sending the impeachment articles 
to the Senate
As you watch the House Democrats' revelry, don't forget that these same House Democrats refused to give a vote of support to the ordinary Iranians facing down their violent, despotic, theocratic government.
Tony Branco

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