Monday, January 13, 2020

The Ugliness That Is Political Correctness

By: Diane Sori and Craig Andresen

. . . "Remember, it's not part of what's called “human nature” to randomly change one's opinion simply because a politician mandates it to be so nor is it in “human nature” to blindly accept something as fact when there's no evidence of proof, thus rendering "political correctness" simply the tangible equivalent of religious blind faith. And religious hatred itself has so dominated the tome of "political correctness" that misguided religious fervor has become the devil itself in the eyes of the left.

How so...both Christianity and Judaism are but a political albatross that must be cast aside while islam...a political system masquerading as a religion...has now been taken under the Democrat's politically correct protective wing as being something one must never criticize nor mock. And while violent attacks on Christians and Jews are steadily increasing with but cursory reporting on at best, the facts surrounding who perpetrated said attacks are hushed up if said attackers are black or muslim. And why...because to say anything against blacks and especially muslims, even if it's just a means by which to identify the attacker, is now considered to be a “hate crime,” with the fallout being that the victim is turned into the instigator of their own attack just for being of the lefts deemed politically incorrect faith.
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From a literary standpoint, we have the time honored writings of great authors like Harper Lee and Mark Twain just to name a couple. Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird” is a true classic, as is Twain’s “Huckelberry (sp) Finn,” but both have come under assault by "political correctness." In the case of Lee’s classic, it is now deemed politically incorrect to have a black character accused of a sex crime, and due to that supposed stereotype libraries have been encouraged to pull the book from their shelves.

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