Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Tulsi Gabbard Backs Ban on Ballot Harvesting After Project Veritas Video

 MSN    "Representative Tulsi Gabbard has called for a ban on ballot harvesting following a video from Project Veritas allegedly showing political operatives in Minneapolis, Minnesota illegally carrying out the practice.  Ballot harvesting refers to laws in some states allowing third parties to collect and deliver ballots. Where it is legal, campaign workers or volunteers can go to voters' homes and collect completed ballots. They can then deliver them en masse to polling places or election offices. Some states allow ballot harvesters to be paid an hourly rate for their work." . . .  James O'Keefe, of Project Veritas, exposes massive Minneapolis voter fraud . . ."With the help of a courageous whistleblower, undercover video, and hidden camera videos, the latest Project Veritas video reveals that Omar's campaign is up to its eyeballs in ordering absentee ballots for elderly people, filling out the ballots in her favor or for someone else in her clan, and then submitting them." . . .


James O’Keefe’s enemies are trying to use the police state to stop him

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