Sunday, November 1, 2020

A struggle against evil can be humorous


Genghis Gary
ome Texas-style humor prompts Karen-style howls from Biden campaign  . . . "One of them even called 911, suddenly taking a shine to the cops they otherwise want to defund.

"The hypocrisy runs thick, to start. This, after all, is the party whose candidate is endorsed by Antifa. The party of looting, rioting, and burning, the party of CHOP, the party of restaurant disruptions, the party of shooting into Trump processions, as happened in Sherman Oaks. "Get in their faces," as Rep. Maxine Waters put it, calling for mobbings of Republicans in public places. 

"Now we see the whimper of the punched bully, the acts and language of the Karen, crying victim and asking to speak to the management. (And apologies to all the nice people named 'Karen,' as a 'Monica,' I know.)" . . .

Democrats made this comparison:

. . . What it sounds like is the Bidenites were looking for an excuse to play victim. One of them calculated that there was more public relations value in claiming that a non-violent funny stunt with Trump flags fluttering around a big Biden bus like Texas swallowtails was 'dangerous' to them than holding the actual rally, which by all counts would attract only a few dozen. Much better for the Bidenites to get the national media to report on the "ambush" and play the victim and establish another phony "narrative" about the dangers of Trump supporters, than to do the actual work of campaigning." . . .

Voting Against Evil

. . . "Joe Biden, the Democrat candidate, professes to be a Roman Catholic, yet like all the other faux Catholic Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, still approves abortion on demand up to delivery. That is infanticide and pure wickedness." . . .

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