Monday, November 2, 2020

Analysis: Trump Campaign Numbers Headed into Election Day


RedState  "Bill Stepien, Trump Campaign Manager, took to Twitter today to boast of Trump’s chances for election day.  Trump has cut or completely erased many of the leads Biden held as of the middle of October, drawing to statistical dead heats in several polls including Georgia, Florida, and others.  While I don’t think the media polls mean much at this point considering that a huge number of Dems have already voted, I simply use those numbers as proof that even the media sees what is potentially coming.
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"Two extremely true parts of the above two tweets. Not only is Trump riding a huge wave of momentum into election day, but Democrats watching this have been losing their minds.  All of the pollsters who predicted a Biden landslide are hedging more than an Atlanta Falcons fan at the end of the 3rd quarter (sorry Atlanta Falcons fans!). As I have discussed in numerous prior pieces, Democrats had to run the score up in the first half of the game to weather the massive turnout from the right on Election Day.  That, it appears, didn’t happen." . . .

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