Saturday, June 13, 2020

UPDATED: Defunding of Police Could Lead to Truckers Refusing to Deliver

Reginald Denny! Say his name!

The Epoch Times  "In a recent poll by CDLLife—the largest community for truck drivers—77 percent of truckers said they will refuse to deliver to cities that had defunded their police departments." . . .

. . . "Trucking expert Dan Doran indicated “truckers and trucking companies will be quick to refuse service to these areas if trouble arises.”
“Truckers were already getting nervous about all these protests before they even started talking about defunding the police,” Doran told TNN.
Doran has been working in the transportation service for over 40 years and was chairman of the Truckload Carriers Association (TCA) in 2018. He said that companies in certain areas that want to receive their load safely will likely be forced to “beef up security.”
“A good customer may tell a good carrier that they’ll provide them some security to get them into the city limits… some kind of an escort,” Doran said. “I think any reputable carrier is going to listen to that concern and take steps to help the driver become more comfortable going in there,” he added" . . .   Hat tip to Doane Barile

UPDATE: Truck Drivers Say They Won’t Deliver To Cities with Defunded Police Departments  . . . "To date, 77% of drivers say they will refuse loads to cities with disbanded or defunded police departments.
"Here are some of their responses:
“…if something was to happen and you have to take matters into your own hands, and then you risk being prosecuted for protecting yourself.”“This is not an area you need to act fearless and think you you’d look like a fool for saying no…Imagine what kind of fool you look like for driving into a hot spot and putting your life in danger.”
A Fantasy With a Predictable Ending
Unlike traditional homeless shelters, people who stayed at the hotel were allowed to bring drugs and alcohol on-site.
"What could go wrong?
But some residents at the hotel said conditions had begun to spin out of control in recent days, with people injecting heroin and methamphetamine in the hallways, and fights breaking out at night. Volunteers became overwhelmed.
“It started out well, then descended into chaos,” said Jennie Taylor, who had a room on the second floor. “People got the message that this was a place where you could use drugs freely and that attracted the wrong crowd.”
The hotel lobby in pre-riot days: 

The Minneapolis Star Tribune cheered the lawlessness.
When Democrats rule over us. Elections matter!

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