Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Democrats Cling Desperately to Trump Hatred

Conrad Black

The Democrats are not going to be able to hide much longer behind their Trump hatred. But it’s really all they’ve got.  

. . . "An inept, banal, unprincipled, shopworn waffler has been pushed and carried by his managers to the nation’s highest office. His party has the ability to enact much of its socialist program. In the next year, we will see from them a spectacle of incompetent federal administration that will make the most unsuccessful presidents of the past look like candidates for Mount Rushmore—assuming Biden’s peppier followers do not blow up that monument.

"They have made Donald Trump the leader of all who object to government-restricted freedom of expression, corrupt election practices, and the transformation of America into a socialist commune. At the moment of Joe Biden’s ultimate triumph, he and his ramshackle coalition of contending (and in some cases disreputable) interests are exposed in their ghastly infirmity. The totalitarian woke media will not be able to disguise this macabre farce for long."

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