Sunday, August 22, 2021

That Trump Alabama rally

 Trump’s Alabama rally gave us a powerful phrase for the ages  . . . "Trump’s right that it’s true. While the Afghanistan surrender is a terrible blow to America’s standing in the world and a shameful moral failure, what’s happening at home is tearing America apart by creating racial schisms more vicious even than those that existed during the Jim Crow era and destroying for generations the entire reality of biological sex. Too many more of these woke attacks on who and what we are, and there may not be an America for much longer.

As always, it’s impossible to look at those enthusiastic crowds of tens of thousands of people and to believe that Trump had fewer votes than Biden, the man who drew crowds in the tens. I’m certain that Biden received may be close to half of America’s votes, which is a truly shameful fact, but I’m equally certain that good, old-fashioned fraud is what popped him into the White House.

..."As Trump clearly knew, the Taliban, who are very attuned to America, have been rubbing America’s face in the fact that the retreating American military gave them enough advanced weaponry to wage war for years:..."

I posted on it in the Tunnel Wall here: The Tunnel Wall: America's Dunkirk; Afghanistan*

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