Monday, November 8, 2021

Joe Biden Gets Admonished by His ACLU Bosses

 The American Spectator

"The left-wing activist group corrects the president on cash payouts to illegal immigrants."

Angry Joe Flip-Flops And Now Vigorously DEFENDS Payouts

"On Wednesday, after referencing reports that the Biden administration is in talks to pay $450,000 to members of families separated at the border, Fox News’ Peter Doocy asked President Joe Biden whether the plan would incentivize more illegal immigration.

"Biden’s answer is noteworthy for multiple reasons — not least being that it constitutes an admission that such a harebrained scheme would indeed serve as an incentive for more illegal immigration.

" 'If you guys keep sending that garbage out, yeah,” Biden responded, adding, “but it’s not true.”

"When Doocy followed up, saying, “So this is a garbage report?” the president doubled down, replying, “Yeah.”

"At some point during the brief colloquy, the president, who often seems enveloped in a mental fog, appeared to sense that there might be something to the story, querying, “$450,000 per person, is that what you’re saying?” After Doocy confirmed, Biden insisted: “That’s not going to happen.”

"Hours after Biden’s comments, the ACLU, which represents many of the separated families, issued a statement explaining that Biden “may not have been fully briefed” on his Justice Department’s settlement deliberations. (RELATED: Debunking the ACLU’s Racist Anti-Gun Narrative)". . .

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