Monday, November 8, 2021

This president, his political party, and our nation all show signs of mental and moral decline

 Joe's mental decline casts doubt on his ability to lead; his election and media support of him casts doubt on America as a stable force in this dangerous world with the ability to lead nations and stand up to oppressors. ISIS was destroyed by Trump but would have prospered with Democrat Biden. TD

Biden Wants to Reduce Emissions, but Camilla Parker Bowles Can't Stop Talking About His Fart  . . . "Biden had multiple embarrassing moments during the climate summit. He read part of his script and then read it again without seeming to realize he’d just read it, in a bit of a scary moment. He also appeared to fall asleep right in the middle of a speech from a disability rights activist who was warning that global warming threatened our ability “to grow food and even to survive.” He was even caught checking his watch as U.K. Prime Minster Boris Johnson was talking during the summit. 
"Biden also played the Barack Obama 2.0 apology game, apologizing for the United States over President Donald Trump pulling us out of the Paris Accord. After he made such a weak-kneed apology, China — who had skipped out on the G20 and the climate summit — mocked him.. . ."

"What We’re Reading: Biden’s Mental Dullness, Church Vandalism, Critical Race Theory … And More"

‘Not a joke’: Insiders tell Bongino Biden’s cognitive decline rapidly worsening, getting harder to mask  This is from August 2020!   ..."Given Biden’s inability to actually run the country if elected, FNC’s Tucker Carlson has observed, Biden’s VP pick will be the most consequential in history because that person could become president sooner rather than later. That person could also likely function as the de facto president because of Biden’s limitations."...  Below is a comment to this post:

Anyone allowing Biden to put himself out there is committing elder abuse. My Mom recently passed from Alzheimer’s and I know the signs of dementia all too well. It’s hard to watch him speak and falter, get confused, etc. Shame on his family!! ... ‘Who is running the country?’: Series of bizarre comments by US President Joe Biden sparks further concerns about his deteriorating mental health..."While the US media continues to fawn over him and pamper him with soft questions, a series of incongruous comments have only served to fuel suspicions about Joe Biden’s deteriorating mental health. As a consequence, numerous political commentators, journalists and analysts have raised doubts whether the President is mentally fit enough to lead."...

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