Tuesday, January 4, 2022

2021: From ‘MAGA’ to ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ in Twelve Miserable Months


 "And you thought 2021 would be a cakewalk after the mess we suffered through in 2020? Barry O’Bama warned us not to underestimate Joe’s ability to f*** things up, but far too many voters ignored his admonition.
"Our new president came into office with a weaponized incompetence that, with amazing speed, reversed everything good that had been done in the prior four years. At year’s end we’re up to our necks in a steaming pile of crime, inflation, and COVID panic with more than two million illegal aliens as the cherry on top.
"A lot of us reacted by chanting “F*** Joe Biden,” switching to “Let’s Go Brandon” only when in polite company. Old Joe proved that he has the reverse Midas touch: Everything he touches turns to fecal matter. And, despite everything else, there was almost enough political chicanery and everyday idiocy to make it an amusing year." . . .
Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley, a living, breathing example of the Peter Principle, said we could partner with the Taliban to fight terrorism in Afghanistan. Meanwhile, the State Department celebrated “International Pronoun Day.” Neither State nor the Pentagon specified what was the proper pronoun to use for hundreds of U.S. civilians Biden and Milley abandoned in Afghanistan.


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