Thursday, July 7, 2022

Finally! A whiny woke employee got fired for whiny wokeness

Andrea Widberg

I'm in mourning due to the attack on people with uteruses in the US. Federally guaranteed access to abortion is gone.

Vivendi and Universal Music Group must stop donating to anti-abortion, anti-queer and anti-trans politicians. Politicians like Marsha Blackburn, Ken Buck, Victoria Spartz, etc. Or expect more unproductive days.

Yours in fury, 

. . ."In other words, Lopez, a San Diego State U graduate, thought he was still in college, where students (with government backing) are writing the checks and the institution is happy to coddle them, especially because the students are parroting academia's views.  Lopez hadn't made the intellectual transition that would allow him to understand he was in the working world, where his employer was writing a check and wanted Lopez's labor in exchange for that money, a concept Lopez found offensive.

"It's to be hoped that more companies recognize that the tide is turning against people like Lopez, who live on an emotional diet of anger and victimhood.  They're awful people to be around and lousy employees.  But perhaps, if they get the message that the grown-up world has different rules, they'll finally start to change.". . .

"People with uteruses? How about "birthing parents"?

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