Sunday, November 20, 2022

The left wages a sham war on inequality


Joseph Frascino  . . ."Democrat policies to achieve equality are outwardly compassionate, but inwardly Machiavellian.  Aside from guilty white liberals, their voting base continues to be those who are, or perceive themselves to be, disadvantaged,  marginalized, or “left out”.  If its base were to actually prosper or to see through its sham policies, its allegiance to the Party would erode, as appears to be happening in the Hispanic and Black communities.  

Opening the border to unskilled, uneducated migrants, under the banner of amnesty, serves to offset such an erosion of its base.  Its disingenuous social construct of oppressors versus oppressed, rooted in identity politics, blaming solely the oppressors for the hardships of the oppressed, serves well to solidify, rally, and anger its base against its political adversaries.  But it is largely tilting with windmills, having no effect on inequality.  The disadvantaged must be kept in place with promises of hope and change and assaults on the oppressive social system for the Party to retain power.

"Inequality is a global phenomenon that is innate in nature.  Equality and a free society are mutually exclusive.  Perhaps equality will be realized when the human race has evolved into a clonal species of autistic hermaphrodites, but even then there will undoubtedly emerge those who harbor a latent alpha gene"….

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