Saturday, May 27, 2023

Support Trump? You could risk losing everything -

So, the question remains, what political movement throws bricks at gay people, eggs at women, threatens to kill political supporters and get them fired at their job?  Evidently, that group is the ones under the banner of tolerance and diversity.

  Knowledge Glue  This isn’t one of those “Oh well, if HE gets elected the country is going to fall apart”.

"No, it’s much more ominous than that.

"This is the forcable silencing of people who support Donald Trump for president, and an attempt to force opinion change not through physical violence, but threats of job loss and such.

"This is all taking place on one of the largest websites in the world : which sees hundreds of millions of page accesses every single day.

"Part of the design of this website, is that it allows users to self-create and self-moderate mini-websites called subreddits that allow users to talk about topics of their choice. Two of those subreddits are The_Donald which is home to 135,000+ Donald Trump supporters. The other page is Politics which is home to more than 3,000,000 members.". . .

"In both cases, the websites are supposed to allow free discourse and conversation. Except for an interesting event that happened today : The supporters of Donald Trump have 
called out various websites (Including of actively deleting pro-Trump and anti-Clinton news stories. Essentially, there are many groups now censoring censorship stories if they are talking about their choice of candidate.

"Worst of all, it’s far beyond just simple ship, and evolved into more or less extortion schemes to support Hillary Clinton, and to a lesser extent, Bernie Sanders.

"What are the threats? Being reported to your ISP for ‘hate speech’, being reported to the company you work for ‘racist speech’ which could result in job loss, posting of your personal and private information online to various attack groups and the like. In fact, as it stands now, these things have happened to virtually everyone who helps organize Trump support pages.

"This all of course goes along with the anti-Trump narrative of throwing eggs at women and hitting gay latino men in the head with bricks.". . .

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