Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Foretelling America's Descent into Totalitarianism -

 Jeffrey Folks

. . ."There is nothing to prevent America from becoming another murderous society like Nazi Germany or communist Russia in the 20th century.  The Biden administration has already begun the march toward totalitarianism with its proposals to arm even larger numbers of federal agency employees, including some 60,000 new IRS agents, and with its political militarization of the DOJ, FBI, and CIA.  As a nation, we are on a path to destruction.  Only a clear understanding of the danger can save us.

"It is chilling to hear Biden speak of his "defense of democracy," as he does almost daily, when it is his administration's actions that pose the greatest threat to democratic capitalism.  Those of us who care about liberty must stiffen our resolve and take all peaceful actions to defend liberty, free markets, and classical liberalism.  The alternative is a dark era of repression and death such as Michael Polanyi witnessed in 20th-century Europe." . . .

No banana republic is complete without influential propagandists doing the regime’s dirty work and there are plenty of them surrounding the Trump indictment.
. . .“Very Serious People” from across the political spectrum marveled over the weekend at Smith’s “speaking” indictment detailing Trump’s alleged crimes. If half the indictment is true, National Review’s Andrew McCarthy warned, Trump is “toast.” Former Attorney General William Barr, apparently too busy primping for his numerous television appearances to scrutinize the indictment on his own, mimicked word-for-word McCarthy’s assessment. (Former federal prosecutors-turned-cable news analysts aren’t known for their originality.)
"John Brennan, the treacherous ex-CIA director who helped concoct the Russian collusion hoax among other covert operations to oust Trump, told MSNBC’s Jen Psaki his former colleagues in the intelligence community are “shuddering” at Smiths’ allegations. Equal application of the law, my foot." . . .
The Biden family crime racket is one of Washington’s worst-kept secrets. But the media continues collectively to ignore the First Family’s blatant—and far more dangerous—law-breaking and instead amplifies imaginary crimes committed by Trump. No banana republic is complete without influential propagandists doing the regime’s dirty work.

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