Friday, July 7, 2023

Circling vulture: Gavin Newsom travels to red states to 'praise' Joe Biden

Monica Showalter - American Thinker   . . ."Newsom also visited deep red Idaho, to tout an "incredible" book store which he claims sells "banned" books.

"He's not just running, he's also raising money, the way a real campaign does, pulling in, according to the report, some $4 million since April.

"He's appeared on Hannity, supposedly to defend Joe Biden's record and status as a "man of decency" which is now particularly laughable, but not stopping him. When you are convinced that Joe is already political carrion, the eulogies cost nothing politically to let roll.

"He's also got members of the mainstream media suddenly throwing his name out there as presidential material to replace Joe, such as in this op-ed from the Washington Times, which was cited by CBS Sacramento, and there have been numerous others.

"But hey, he's not running for president. He just wants to tour the country to praise Joe. 

"And everyone knows he's California's answer to Joe Isuzu.

"The one guy who's probably less fooled than anyone about this is back at the White House.

"While the White House does seem to have a "praise Joe Biden" re-election strategy in place from other Democrats, given that Joe Biden is in no condition to campaign and will have to rely on others to do it for him, the idea that Newsom won't take a little slice for himself has got to be giving him the night sweats.

"Vultures are circling now, as the scandals engulf him and he can't get out now. The biggest one is named Newsom."  . . .

UPDATE: State With No Electricity Orders Everyone To Drive Electric Cars - YouTube

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