Friday, July 7, 2023


 Diane L. Gruber (

"Have you seen any of Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner’s TV appearances following the deadly shooting Monday night?  As one of the longest running George Soros-funded district attorneys, the lies drip naturally from his lips.  According to Krasner, it is not the cross-dressing shooter’s fault that five are dead and two are injured.  No! It is THE GUN’S FAULT and it is the fault of every other American who legally owns firearms & have never committed a crime. Oh, and it is also the NRA’s fault and gun manufacturers’ fault.

"Krasner even went so far as to blame the shooting on Congresspeople from FLORIDA and NEW YORK.  Say what? " . . .


These 75 Soros district attorneys have a five-step scheme to disarm law-abiding Americans by promoting violence in the streets.

1)   Stop prosecuting illegal possession of guns, and decrease prosecutions of crimes generally.*

2)   In Democrat-owned cities this leads to more crimes, including more gun violence.

3)   Power-mad Democrats falsely claim that more “gun control” laws will decrease the violence their policies have created. Democrat voters buy into this delusion.

4)   More “gun control” laws are passed which only control the law-abiding and prevent them from protecting themselves & others.  The criminals still have their guns.

5)   GOAL: chip, chip, chip away at Americans’ Second Amendment Rights so they will be helpless when Totalitarianism and Globalism takes over.

Much more here...

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