Monday, June 3, 2024

Flashback: Barack Obama Offered Jeremiah Wright Hush Money During 2008 Campaign

  Matt Margolis – PJ Media

If Obama’s actions didn’t warrant criminal charges, why was Trump charged? Either both men broke the law or neither did. Which is it? If Obama violated the law, he should be put on trial and found guilty; otherwise, it only proves that we do have a two-tiered justice system. 

"According to the radical left, a payment to silence someone from making potentially damaging statements to influence the outcome of a presidential election is a serious crime. A felony at that. That’s the entirely hocus-pocus legal theory behind Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s case against Donald Trump that resulted in a conviction.

"In that case, Barack Obama ought to be charged with a similar crime.

"That's right, Obama also offered hush money to someone specifically to influence the 2008 election. The media never talked about it, and you can bet they’d have some amusing and laughable explanation for why what Obama did was “different.” But the fact is that Obama has been accused of offering money to his former pastor, Jeremiah Wright, to buy his silence during the 2008 presidential election.

As you may recall, Wright’s inflammatory, anti-American rhetoric was a huge problem for Obama during his first presidential campaign, and he tried to shut Wright up to save his campaign — which the prominent leftist legal scholars of the day call corruptly influencing an election.

"Edward Klein broke the story in the New York Post on May 13, 2012, revealing that Obama's camp made a hush offer to Wright during the 2008 campaign. The deal involved a hefty sum of $150,000 and was made through an intermediary who was a close friend of Obama’s — and Obama himself even stepped in, urging Wright to keep quiet for the sake of his presidential campaign.

" 'Man, the media ate me alive,” Wright told Klein. “After the media went ballistic on me, I received an e-mail offering me money not to preach at all until the November presidential election.' ”. . .

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