Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Big Lies About Israel

 Gatestone Institute

The "made-up" famine is just the latest in a long string of fabrications demonizing Israel's military operations in Gaza, which over the last months have been exposed as lies yet have received zero coverage in the media. 

For months, Israel has refuted libelous claims of famine in Gaza, as international organizations -- especially the UN and the EU, the International Court of Justice and mainstream media alongside NGOs such as Human Rights Watch -- pushed the false, malicious narrative that Israel was causing famine in Gaza and even using it as a "weapon of war." Pictured: A line of trucks in Rafah, Egypt carrying aid prepares to cross into the Gaza Strip on March 23, 2024.

. . ."The International Court of Justice based its March 28 order to Israel to increase the supply of humanitarian aid to Gaza on the IPC report. Israel was therefore met by a deluge of outrage and hate from the world community for supposedly causing this "famine."

In May, the World Food Programme (WFP) of the UN claimed, without a shred of evidence, that there was a "full blown famine" in Gaza.

Now, it turns out, it was all a big lie. There was no famine, there is no famine and Israel has not been using hunger as a "weapon of war":

In its report published on June 4, the UN's IPC concluded that famine was no longer even "plausible" and had no "supporting evidence." The UN has also admitted that until now there have only been 32 deaths in Gaza from malnutrition and 28 of those were among children under 5 years old. No one, however -- not the UN, or the ICJ, the NGOs or all the media outlets that magnified and distributed the lies -- has admitted that they were wrong. On the contrary, on June 18 the New York Times, claiming that Gaza "is facing extreme levels of hunger," continued spreading the lie.

The most recent IPC report, published on June 25, concluded that the supply of food to Gaza had, in fact, increased, not decreased, in recent months and that "In this context, the available evidence does not indicate that famine is currently occurring." '

By comparison, more than three million children in Sudan are acutely  malnourished, and a quarter of a million are likely to die in the coming months. By the UN's own admission, the war in Sudan is "the war the world has either forgotten or ignored." The irony of that statement has clearly been lost on the UN, which is probably the main reason that Sudan – and other conflict spots – is ignored: the UN focuses almost all its resources on Israel and Gaza.

"About 222,000 severely malnourished children and more than 7,000 new mothers are likely to die in coming months if their nutritional and health needs remain unmet," the Nutrition Cluster in Sudan – a partnership of organizations including the UN, Federal Ministry of Health, and NGOs including Save the Children – recently concluded. Overall, 18 million people in Sudan face starvation. Evidently, no one cares." . . . Full article here...

Trump showed Taliban leader satellite picture of his house in threat to ‘obliterate’ him

 Cami Mondeaux - Washington Examiner  

"Pompeo then recalled telling Baradar "we knew exactly where his house was" in threatening personal remarks to the Taliban leader during February 2020 peace talks. Pompeo went on to characterize current Secretary of State Antony Blinken and the Biden administration as appearing weak by comparison in their approach to Afghanistan." Newsweek; Aug 17, 2021

"Former President Donald Trump said that at one point when he was in the White House, he threatened one of the top members of the Taliban by sending him a satellite picture of his house and saying he would “obliterate” him.

"The conversation between Trump and Abdul Ghani Baradar, who is now the deputy prime minister of Afghanistan, happened as the former president sought to withdraw all U.S. troops from the country — a goal he was adamant about accomplishing that was later completed in August 2021 under President Joe Biden. However, Trump threatened that if the Taliban launched an attack as U.S. troops were exiting the country, “we’re going to hit you harder than any country has ever been hit,” he said.

" 'He said, ‘I understand, your Excellency,’” Trump recalled, according to an interview with Fox News’s Sean Hannity released on Thursday. “I’m the one who got it down to very few soldiers. I wanted to get out.”

"Going further, Trump said he threatened to “obliterate” the Taliban leader if he did not listen.

“Didn’t you at one point tell him, ‘I know exactly where you are,’ and give him the exact coordinates where he was?” Hannity asked.

“No,” Trump said. “I sent him a picture of his house. He said, ‘But why, but why do you send me a picture of my house?’ I said, ‘You have to figure that one out.’”

Was This President Trump's Ballsiest Play Ever? Meanwhile Obama and Biden were and are the Feckless Twins

 Stephen Green – PJ Media

"Trump understands that the real trick to being powerful on the world stage is to appear just crazy enough to use that power — and then you almost never have to. We had a lot more peace then, too."

"As President, Donald Trump's ballsiest moment might have come as he was negotiating an end to our two-decade presence in Afghanistan. Rep. Wesley Hunt (R-Tex.) told the story to Sage Steele on a recent video podcast.

"I want to leave Afghanistan," Trump is supposed to have said at a high-level meeting with the Taliban. "But it's going to be a conditions-based withdrawal." Hunt recalled Trump saying, "If you harm a hair on a single American, I'm going to kill you."

"After the translator did his bit — and Hunt indicated that the translator was shocked by Trump's statement and hesitated before passing it along — Trump pulled a picture of the Taliban leader's home out of his pocket, handed it to him, and then left.

Statement. Made.

"If this is not the most gangster thing I’ve ever heard," one X user posted, "I don’t know what is."

"It would be superfluous of me to remind you of what happened after Presidentish Joe Biden abruptly (and incompetently) ordered the final bugout from Afghanistan while trying to appease the Taliban, instead.

"Here's an Absolutely True VodkaPundit Tale™ to help illustrate the point.

"An old online acquaintance of mine (who now works on the Hill) served some time in the Air Force as a nuclear missile officer. I once shared a neighborhood map with the street names blanked out, yet he was able to pinpoint almost exactly where I lived. I learned an important lesson that day: never share a map with a guy who targets Minuteman III nuclear-tipped missiles for a living.

"The difference between my old acquaintance, me, Trump, and that Taliban leader is a big one, however. My friend didn't have launch authority, but Trump did. That's a deadly distinction.

"It's certainly a distinction that the unnamed Taliban thug well understood. Sometimes it takes a thuggish act like Trump's to put the fear of God into a genuine thug.

"But was that really President Trump's ballsiest moment? Maybe. " . . .

Journalists: Don't Blame Us, We Were Just Following Orders

 David Strom – HotAir

"Read between the lines, and you get: if we cover this story, we help Republicans and piss off the Democrats, and we really really hate the idea of helping Republicans . . . " It's the same argument made for why schools needed to be closed during the pandemic--Trump wanted them reopened, and we couldn't have that." 

"Democrat donors and elected officials aren't the only rats scrambling to get off a sinking ship. 

"Reporters are on the same ship and have lived there for quite a while. They know they better jump while they still can. 

"But they've got a problem: they have participated in the coverup just as much as the president's team. 

"Last month, when the Wall Street Journal published the least surprising story in American history--that Joe Biden appears to have slowed down a teeny tiny, almost unnoticeable bit--the rest of the mainstream media jumped all over them and accused them of spreading propaganda. 

"Last Thursday's debate exposed the hoax. What to do?

"The "modified limited hangout" is their current answer: admit to a small offense to hide the fact that they committed a much larger one

In June, when the Wall Street Journal published a lengthy piece on President Joe Biden’s mental state, the newspaper got slammed. The White House, its allies, and some in the media – including CNN’s Reliable Sources – criticized the Journal for quoting mostly Republican political foes on the record, who had a clear political motive to damage Biden’s image. No Democrats were quoted on the record making those allegations, and several Democrats complained their on-the-record quotes praising Biden’s sharpness were not included. The Journal defended its reporting at the time.

. . .

Judge Denies Biden Admin Attempt To Lock Up Peaceful Pro-Life Protester

  Leif Le Mahieu (

"During his remarks before the judge, Crampton asked for no jail time to be imposed and said that she should consider the “peaceful protest context” and that the Biden administration’s bringing of conspiracy against rights charges against the pro-lifers was “unprecedented.' ”

"Paul Vaughn, a pro-life father of 11, escaped prison time on Tuesday after he was sentenced in Nashville over his participation in a peaceful protest at a Tennessee abortion facility March 2021.

"The Biden administration had asked for one year of prison time, but U.S. District Judge Aleta Trauger decided to impose no prison time or fine, sentencing Vaughn to three years of supervised release. Vaughn was convicted of violating the FACE Act and in participating in a conspiracy against rights.

"The Biden Justice Department brought charges against Vaughn and 10 other pro-lifers present at a sit-in at the Carafem Health Center Clinic in Mt. Juliet.

When given an opportunity to speak, Vaughn said that the “reason I am engaged in activities is because I care for my country.”

"He added that it was between the judge and God whether he should be “locked up.” Vaughn also maintained that he had never broken the FACE Act, a Clinton-era law that has been used to go after pro-lifers protesting and sidewalk counseling outside of abortion facilities.

"Vaughn also talked about how his children still had nightmares from when the FBI came “with lethal force,” to his home to arrest him. He asked how such a show of force was necessary over non-violent charges. He added that he would have been “more than willing” and “would have come down at any time,” to talk to federal officials about the charges." . . .

How it all went down in Israel on October 7

 . . ."Some of the dead terrorists carried maps along with provisions for several days.  Hamas apparently hoped to penetrate deeper into Israel, perhaps even to reach all the way to the West Bank." . . .

Joseph Puder - American Thinker

The Nukhba killers entered Israel with orders, as reported by Die Zeit: "Attack Kibbutz sa’ad (home of my cousin Aaron) and gain control, inflict as many casualties as possible; also, secure Road 232. Kill anyone who poses danger or distract your operation. Take soldiers and civilians prisoners and transport them to Gaza."
She posed a danger to the Hamas operation.

"It was still dark outside in the Gaza Strip in the early morning of October 7, 2023, when the Hamas terror group’s messengers were knocking on doors to wake up and alert the battalion commanders responsible for around 100 fighters under their command.  They then alerted the commanders of the smaller groups with the message to assemble at the assigned points along the 40-mile-long fence separating Gaza from Israel.

"In Israel, it was the Saturday of Simchat Torah, a joyous holiday that turned into one of the darkest days in Israel’s history.

"The above account was provided by the German newspaper Die Zeit and was derived from the interrogation of the captured and imprisoned Hamas Nukhba terrorists who murdered 1,200 Israelis, mostly civilians, and kidnapped 250 others into Gaza as hostages.

"Incredibly, the Hamas leaders were able to keep their murderous operation secret until the last moment.  They refrained from using cell phones by assuming that the Israeli intelligence services might pick up their signals.  They passed on instructions by live messengers.

"At dawn, the approximately 3,000 Hamas (Nukhba) and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorists assembled along the fence were told that this is no longer an exercise, but the day of action.  Hamas had been preparing for this day for at least ten years.

"The vaunted Israeli intelligence services were well aware that something unusual was going on in Gaza but attributed it to Hamas mounting another exercise.  There was no follow-up on these observations.  Complacency — viewing Hamas as being deterred and incapable of executing a major operation — allowed for complete laxity.

"As the sun was breaking out, weapons were distributed to the drug-induced (Captagon) Nukhba terrorists, which included assault rifles (Kalashnikovs), hand grenades, and rocket launchers.  Immediately thereafter, the Hamas and PIJ terrorists climbed in their Toyota pickup trucks and motorcycles.  Some were marching by foot, and others, trained by Iran and in Malaysia, mounted motorized paragliders to penetrate Israel by air, and others by sea with rubber dinghies." . . .

Recalling segregationist Biden

  American Thinker 

But to my knowledge, Biden has never apologized for his wretched maneuvering to give legal armor to segregation, nor for camaraderie with similarly foul Democrat fellows. Instead, he contrives a false résumé in which he agitated against the very rot he actually championed. 

"In 2013, NBC reported on a BBC Oprah Winfrey interview in which she shared her prescription for eliminating skin-color acrimony.

" 'There are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it -- in that prejudice and racism -- and they just have to die," the talk show host insisted.

"Her proposal was faulty. Not all members of aged generations harbor negative notions. Too, ideas good and bad endure into successive generations despite time's march.

"There are many fine reasons to desire Joe Biden's political demise, not least of which are preservation of nationalism over globalism, constitutional ideals, electoral integrity, and, as recently caused millions to shudder, the president's pathetic debate spectacle.

"Another can join the crowd: Turning America's back on earlier times' racial injustices necessitates consigning ignoble perpetrators to obscurity. One such miscreant was Joe Biden.

"Like several 1970s Democrat senators, he inveighed against bussing to integrate schools. 

“ 'Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point!” the Delaware senator thundered on a 1977 senate floor.

"A 2019 NBC News subheadline summed up the divisive senator’s impact: “Joe Biden helped give America the language that is still used to oppose school integration today, legislative and education history experts say.”

"NBC’s story revealed that in 1975, Biden had sponsored legislation that limited courts’ authority to integrate schools, and also an amendment that prohibited the federal government’s withholding tax monies from segregated institutions." . . .

Jack Smith is Willing to Try Trump Up to Inauguration Day –

 Post: Jonathan Turley 

"In other words, Smith’s appetite for a trial before the Inauguration may exceed his ability to force that expedited schedule." 

"The Washington Post is reporting that Special Counsel Jack Smith may try to convict former president Donald Trump all the way through the election and up to 11:59 am on January 20th. After the oath, the Justice Department has long maintained that it will not prosecute a sitting president.

"There is also a long-standing policy of the Justice Department to abstain from criminal proceedings before an election to avoid the appearance of trying to influence the outcome. Smith has signaled that he will discard that policy and that he is prepared to try Trump not only up to the election but through the election.

"He is now reportedly willing to try Trump up to January 20th.

"Smith has made trying Trump before the election the overriding priority in his two cases against the former president. He failed repeatedly to force a shorter schedule on appeal before the Supreme Court. His arguments were revealing. He suggested that the public should have a possible conviction before they cast their votes. It flipped the DOJ policy on its head in openly seeking to influence the election.

"The Supreme Court was not persuaded, though Smith did succeed in effectively cutting the appellate process a bit shorter.  He then lost in spectacular fashion before the Court on presidential immunity.

"According to the Post, he is not giving up the ghost and is now committed to a trial running up to Inauguration Day: “Current officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, expressed … that if Trump wins the election, the clock on the two federal cases against him would keep ticking until Jan. 20, when he would be sworn in as the 47th president.”

"Even with Smith’s continued push to try Trump at all costs before the Inauguration, it could be a challenge. There is a 30-day period before the Supreme Court case is effectively returned to district court.

"Judge Tanya Chutkan has been highly favorable for Smith and highly motivated in seeking a trial before the election. That led to problems highlighted in the recent opinion. Chutkan was so motivated that she failed to create an adequate record on these issues. That record will now have to be established." . . .

From their cold, dead hands...

 Diann Russell (

"They’ll drag Joe’s rotting carcass over the finish line even if it kills them"

"NBC News reported on Saturday that the Biden family was headed back to Camp David to discuss the “path forward” for Grandpa Joe after his dementia took center stage at last week’s presidential debate.

"By Sunday morning, CNN reporter Jeff Zeleny clarified that the Camp David Biden family getaway was pre-planned and included a photo shoot with celebrity photographer Annie Leibowitz.

"New York Times White House correspondent Katie Rogers reported later that the Biden family did not have a pow-wow about the future of Biden’s reelection campaign as NBC’s unnamed sources claimed. Instead, the family spent the morning in hair and makeup to prepare for the photo shoot.

"I read the updates on Twitter with a growing sense of amusement.

"If you want to know why the Biden family wants its senile patriarch to continue publicly humiliating himself on the world stage, the clue is in the phrase “photo shoot with Annie Liebowitz.”

"Do you think Jill Biden wants to give up the wealth, fame, and perks that being married to a Democrat president guarantees?

"How else could an unremarkable elementary school teacher like Jill ever have the chance to rub elbows with Hollywood stars or pose for celebrity photographers like Annie Leibowitz?

"According to the New York Times, Joe’s convicted felon son Hunter was especially influential in convincing old Joe to continue dragging his half-dead carcass to November:  . . ."

The Enabler - by Diann Russell ( 

"As someone whose mother had dementia, I cannot fathom why Jill Biden isn’t pulling the plug on her husband’s presidency. What kind of loving wife subjects her husband to this level of emotional and psychological trauma?" 

RealityBites by Broc Smith )

Who’s Rating the ‘News Raters’?

 Kurt Mahlburg - Intellectual Takeout 

“We have a lot of questions for them, and because they get federal money, they fall under the jurisdiction of the House Oversight Committee,” he said. 

"NewsGuard is a widely recognized media watchdog that rates news agencies on their reliability, transparency, and financial conflicts of interest. Via a web extension, the organization’s team of “expert journalists” provides outlets with “nutrition label” reports that rate outlets on a scale of 0–100 based on “a set of apolitical criteria of journalistic practice,” according to its website.

"NewsGuard’s stated purpose is to encourage the public to rely on trustworthy journalism and guard against the threat of misinformation.

"That’s all well and good—but what if NewsGuard is itself unreliable, non-transparent, or beset by financial conflicts of interest? If so, is there a watchdog watching the watchdog?

"This is the question being asked by House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.), who announced earlier this month that his committee is launching a probe into NewsGuard.

"Comer explained that the probe will look at “the impact of NewsGuard on protected First Amendment speech and its potential to serve as a non-transparent agent of censorship campaigns.”

"In a letter to the joint CEOs of NewsGuard Steven Brill and Gordon Crovitz, Comer wrote:

Our inquiry seeks documents on NewsGuard’s business relationships with government entities, its adherence to its own policies intended to guard against appearances of bias, how it tries to avoid and manage potential conflicts of interest arising from its investors and other influences, and actions that may have the impact of delegitimizing factually accurate information.

California's Governor Newsom Caught Lying About State's Job Growth Numbers

 TFPP Wire

. . ."The state’s reliance on public sector growth to offset private sector losses suggests that California’s economy is heading for a serious crash. 

"Governor Gavin Newsom’s recent celebration of California’s job growth paints an incomplete picture of the state’s economic reality.

"A new report from the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) reveals a concerning trend: while overall employment has increased, the private sector is shrinking.

"Since September 2022, California has added 207,000 jobs.

"However, this headline figure obscures a critical shift.

"The private sector lost 154,000 jobs during this period, while public and public-supported sectors grew by 361,000 positions.

"In essence, government-related hiring is propping up the state’s employment numbers.

"Newsom highlighted California’s role in national job creation, stating, “16% of all national job creation last month came right here in California.”

"While factually correct, this statement fails to address the underlying imbalance between public and private sector growth." . . .

In 2022 Gavin Newsom stated CA has a surplus of $100 billion dollars. “$100B SURPLUS”
In 2024, California is facing a record budget deficit of $68 billion. “$68B DEFICIT”
Democrats have done to CA what they’ve done to America. This is intentional.

— Sheri™ (@FFT1776) June 30, 2024

Israel: What a two-state "solution" looks like

  Israel Observer "38 WEEKS AGO: Palestinian terrorists from Gaza entered Israel on bicycles wearing flip-flops to murder, rape, and kidnap Israelis. 

"They looted homes, burning families alive. These are the so-called “innocent civilians” the world defends.

"NO MERCY for such evil!"

How many of these invaders were the last thing many Israeli women and children saw?

I speak of these men being those who did this:

And they were celebrated by these students on American streets!

Andrew Weissmann Apoplectic at Immunity Decision - SCOTUS: The President IS The Executive Branch


AfterMath - Home (

The Last Refuge   "The tip of the Lawfare spear consists of a small group of former DOJ attorneys and Main Justice leftists who helped AG Eric Holder create the DOJ National Security Division (DOJ-NSD) when it was formed on behalf of President Obama.

"Lawfare, writ large, are a tribe of leftists who strategically weaponize the justice systems within the DOJ.  They are also the main guides, strategists and legal analysts who previously used Robert Mueller and currently use Jack Smith.

"The tribe is led by a trio of fellow travelers: Mary McCord, Norm Eisen and Andrew Weissmann.

"If you research the group, you will discover that Mary McCord sits at the center of every attack approach deployed against President Trump {CITATION}.  The influence of McCord cannot be overstated, while gender fluid leftists like Eisen, Weissmann (and others), wax philosophically about which statutes can be twisted and interpreted to assist their Lawfare strategy du jour." . . .

Democrats hope Gavin Newsom can replace Biden - but do they know about the sleazy California Governor's infidelities, addiction, TEENAGE lover. . .

 ... and why allies say he 'doesn't have real friends'? | Daily Mail Online

"As surely befits a man who looks like a corporate villain from a Hollywood thriller, he's painfully superficial, critics have long whispered.  'Gavin is always around pretty people. But he doesn't seem to have many real friends,' . . ."

RealityBites by Broc Smith

 . . ."Some polling suggests swapping out Biden for another candidate at the eleventh hour would be even worse than keeping him. But after Thursday night and the ensuing Democrat 'freak out' – with even the usually loyal New York Times now calling for Biden to resign – there might not be much choice.

"At a youthful 56, Newsom has risen smoothly up the ranks to the top of California politics, making him on paper an obvious candidate for the White House.

"But, as that toe-curling 20-year-old magazine shoot illustrates, the political capital Republicans have made out of Biden's troubled son Hunter would pale in significance to the mileage to be had from Newsom.

"For while he's handsomely telegenic, the perma-tanned Californian is an undeniably oleaginous and sleazy character whose playboy past includes more than its fair share of infidelity, alcohol abuse and questionable business behavior.

"And let's not forget the complete mess he and his championing of hard-left policies has made of California, the luster of the Golden State endlessly tarnished by bad news: from crime, drugs and homelessness to high taxes, electricity and water shortages, and a sky-high deficit that has led to an exodus of businesses and citizens.

"At the center of it all is a man who hails from California aristocracy. 

"At least Joe Biden can say he wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Newsom had the biggest spoon in the cutlery drawer – the Getty family." . . .

You look so California, Joe!

Report: Meeting of House Democrats Devolves Into Biden Grievance Fest—There's a 'Donkey in the Room'

 Bob Hoge – RedState

"I represent the heart of a congressional district once represented by Lyndon Johnson. Under very different circumstances, he made the painful decision to withdraw. President Biden should do the same." Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX)

"You’d have to assume any meeting of House Democrats to discuss political messaging these days would be tense, considering that the leader of the party just laid a rotten egg at the presidential debate last Thursday.

"As Biden sees his odds of winning reelection plummet, party leaders have been freaking out, with some even calling for the president to leave the race.

"It’s no surprise, then, that a Democratic Policy and Communications Committee (DPCC) meeting reportedly devolved into a grievance fest Tuesday, with panicked members openly criticizing the president and his strategy (or lack thereof). There were even reportedly mentions of the “donkey in the room”— and we all know who that is. Per Axios:

The virtual meeting Tuesday afternoon was a listening session the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee (DPCC) held to go over messaging ahead of the 2024 election.

Much of the meeting was taken up by members expressing their irritation and misgivings toward Biden and his team, according to a member in the meeting and another source briefed on the matter.

Biden was repeatedly referred to derisively as the "donkey in the room," both sources said.

"As we reported early Tuesday, Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) formally became the first elected House Dem domino to fall in what soon may become a cascade:" . . .

Another House Democrat Jumps Ship on Biden: 'Trump Is Going to Win. And I'm Okay With That.' – RedState

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

What to make of Joe Biden?

 Biden 'Not A Pleasant Person': White House Staffers Report  "After the disastrous performance during last week’s first presidential debate, there has been a rift between President Joe Biden and his staff. Politico reported that White House aides are frustrated and scared of their boss.  

“It’s like, ‘You can’t include that, that will set him off,’ or ‘Put that in, he likes that,’” one senior administration official told Politico. “It’s a Rorschach test, not a briefing. Because he is not a pleasant person to be around when he’s being briefed. It’s very difficult, and people are scared sh*tless of him.”

“He doesn’t take advice from anyone other than those few top aides, and it becomes a perfect storm because he just gets more and more isolated from their efforts to control it,” the official added." . . .

Joe Biden's senility is affecting his presidential briefings -report - Monica Showalter  "Joe Biden has some kind of senility which has gotten obvious in the wake of his first debate this season with President Trump.

"Some 75% of the public thinks so, saying he's 'too old' to become president again.

"But when one thinks of the consequences of a senile president, the typical warning that comes to mind is the 3:00 a.m. phone call indicating an international crisis. A senile president isn't going to understand what's going on.

"But it's worse than that, and Politico describes what is happening in Biden's day-to-day presidency." . . .

. . ."Which is not hard to imagine Biden may be experiencing as he screams at his very loyal longtime staff. It must be awful for all sides.

"Thing is, it's awful-est of all to us, the American people. Someone with that condition should be in care, not executing the most powerful job in the world.

"Staff keep information from him, telling him only what he likes to hear. He can't even make good decisions without all the facts, yet staff feels a need to keep him calm and themselves protected.

"That's no way to run a country. That sounds like one of those strange situations in 16th or 17th century Spain where the monarch was incapacitated. Spain went from the richest and most powerful country in the world to a nation that fell apart and skidded into irrelevance quite suddenly after a string of those. It sounds like the Kremlin during the late Leonid Brezhnev or Konstantin Chernenko era, or Russia when Boris Yeltsin was incapacitated.

"The voting public is right to demand a president of sound mind and body. While I don't doubt that Biden and his greedy family entourage will try to continue to cling to power all through the election, voters know it's up to them to make a decision if the Bidens won't.

"The reports coming out suggest a headless country without a functional leader."

Video: Gavin Newsom ‘licking his chops’ after Biden’s ‘unfortunate performance’      "Imagine Newsom as President and then imagine that he does to all of America what he has already done to California."
'The left-wing legacy media that has propped up Joe Biden for years has finally turned on the president.
"After his disastrous debate performance last week, the likes of CNN, MSNBC and the NY Times had no choice but to flip the switch and launch a revolt against Joe Biden.' " Video

Biden 'Not A Pleasant Person': White House Staffers Report (   "After the disastrous performance during last week’s first presidential debate, there has been a rift between President Joe Biden and his staff. Politico reported that White House aides are frustrated and scared of their boss. 
“It’s like, ‘You can’t include that, that will set him off,’ or ‘Put that in, he likes that,’” one senior administration official told Politico. “It’s a Rorschach test, not a briefing. Because he is not a pleasant person to be around when he’s being briefed. It’s very difficult, and people are scared sh*tless of him.”
“He doesn’t take advice from anyone other than those few top aides, and it becomes a perfect storm because he just gets more and more isolated from their efforts to control it,” the official added." . . .   
“Everyone has been on eggshells about this sort of thing happening,” said one Democrat who had a personal window into the internal operations at the White House. “The staff watch him like a hawk to step in before a thing happens.”

Joe Biden's senility is affecting his presidential briefings -report - Monica Showalter     . . ."Obviously, this guy is out of control, and the natural response is to avoid giving him the hard facts about anything to avoid his irrational rages. Rages of this kind are characteristic of some kinds of mental deterioration.

"According to the U.K. Alzheimer's Society, noted because some outside observers think Biden shows signs of this particular condition:

  As a person’s dementia progresses, they may sometimes behave in ways that are physically or verbally aggressive." . . .

 Why Michelle Obama hasn't campaigned for Biden and has been 'frustrated' with his family over messy drama that resurfaced during Hunter's trial | Daily Mail Online   

According to the report, Former President Obama described the Biden family as 'weird s***' following a fundraiser for the Beau Biden Foundation in 2017.

Michelle was initially reluctant to campaign for Joe in 2020, but was ultimately persuaded to hit the trail when Democrats told her the stakes would be too high if she missed out.

Now her husband has taken to the trail solo by appearing at multiple glitzy fundraisers with Joe.