Sunday, September 8, 2024

Guess Who’s Not Going to Jail Before the Election?


RealityBites by Broc Smith

Clarice Feldman - American Thinker  "For some time now the Left has been salivating over the prospect that New York judge Juan Merchan would jail Donald Trump on September 18, before the election. Reports were that a cell in Riker’s was being readied for him and even that he’d be denied Secret Service protection (such as it is) while incarcerated. Not going to happen. The week started off badly for Manhattan District attorney Alvin Bragg, the prosecutor of that case, when on a hidden camera Nicholas Biase, Bragg’s chief spokesman said, “Honestly, I think the case is nonsense.” (When the video by Steven Crowder’s operative was made public, he claimed he denied he meant it, that he was just trying to impress the woman who taped him so she’d go on a date with him.)  Of course, the case contending it was felonious for the way money paid to “hush” Stormy Daniels was reported is, in fact, nonsense. A few days later, Congresswoman Elise Stefanik filed an official ethics complaint against Judge Merchan for refusing to recuse himself despite “his family’s increased financial ties” to the proceedings. (His daughter has garnered millions of dollars fundraising on behalf of Kamala Harris.)" 

"That same day Merchan announced he is delaying sentencing until November 26 -- that is, after the election. Because of a need to respond on September 16 to another matter, Trump’s attorneys asked for a delay. Bragg’s office deferred to the Court -- that is, they did not object to any delay, and by letter Merchan responded to Trump’s counsel indicating he’d delay imposition to avoid any appearance “that the proceeding has been affected by or seeks to affect the approaching presidential election in which the defendant is a candidate.” (Where would anyone have gotten that impression?)" . . .

After rigging a trial, colluding with Democrats, and getting the verdict he wanted, Justice Merchan delays Trump's sentence? - Monica Showalter  ..."After all, there is zero doubt he wants to ship Trump off to prison. He was the judge in other cases against Trump executives on kangaroo-court charges, and publicly burned with fury that he couldn't give them longer sentences than the law allowed. You can just imagine what he'd like to do to Trump. Many say he would never jail Trump but that's not his pattern.

"So why did he blink when he finally had him where he wanted him?

"Most likely, he recognized that the more he stuck it to Trump, the higher his poll ratings went -- propelling him to a lead, actually, when he hadn't had one earlier. That was the pattern during the trial, because the public doesn't like lawfare, particularly lawfare that affects its voting choices, and this was politicized lawfare with a capital 'L.' Witnesses were forbidden to appear. The president was gagged. The jury was all leftist Democrats. Pervy creepy irrelevant witnesses with nothing to add but salacious stories were allowed to unspool on the stand, such as the porn "star" Stormy Daniels, in an obvious bid to embarrass President Trump and drive his poll numbers down." . . .

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