Sunday, September 8, 2024

Liz Cheney’s Kamala Endorsement: A Symptom of Elite Panic

 American Greatness  The rush of people like the Cheneys to Harris's banner is not a sign of strength; it is a sign of desperation. 

That’s what the anti-Trump narrative says. But on what grounds?  We know what Trump would be like as president because he has already served a full four-year term.  There were things to criticize—profligate spending and, above all, his handling of the COVID hysteria.  But by and large, he had not just a successful but a wildly successful term.

"Perhaps my favorite moment in Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s speech announcing the suspension of his presidential campaign and endorsement of Donald Trump was the rhetorical question, “Who needs a policy when you have Trump to hate?” I was reminded of that in the last couple of days as first Liz and then her father, Dick Cheney, declared that they were endorsing Kamala Harris for president.

"I guess the legacy media regards those endorsements as big news because if you try to search for some of the blistering attacks Liz Cheney unleashed on Harris in the past, all you get is a solid wall of rah-rah headlines about what a big deal it is that the Cheneys turned on their party and endorsed Kamala.  My own feeling is that Ann Coulter got it exactly right in her amusing post on X:

Uh Oh, I just heard the news…DICK CHENEY IS VOTING KAMALA!

This…is…the…BIG ONE!

If they lose David French, this thing is OVER!


"Of course, the Cheneys are not huddling with Kamala because they like what she stands for.  They, like the scores of other neocons who have endorsed Harris, are doing so because they hate and fear Trump.  Sure, we have our disagreements with Harris, they say.  But “The alternative . . . is simply untenable.” . . .

"Two points.  First, their fear of Trump is not irrational.  True, when he was elected in 2016, he did not “lock her up” Hillary Clinton, though he had better grounds to investigate her than the DOJ had to investigate him after he became president. Nor, despite Trump’s talk of “retribution,” do I believe he will weaponize the DOJ and other agencies to go after his political opponents. That’s what Democrats and NeverTrump neocons do." . . .

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