Friday, June 21, 2024

Why Does Joe Biden Keep Nominating Monsters Like This to the Federal Bench?

 Matt Margolis – PJ Media

"Joe Biden's vetting process for judicial nominees is either ridiculously bad or he just doesn’t care how bad his nominees are as long as they check off the right diversity boxes.

"Last month, Joe Biden nominated Maine Superior Court Judge Julia Lipez to the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. I suspect she wasn't nominated because of her record because just last year she reduced the sentence of Michael Smith, a man who molested two young girls, aged four and nine, by half.

"According to the Lewiston Sun-Journal, Judge Lipez suspended half of Smith's 12-year prison sentence and  remarked during the sentencing that Smith is "a person who has a lot of good in him."

"Sen. John Kennedy expertly called her out on Thursday.

“ 'Mr. Smith molested a 4-year-old girl, didn’t he?” Kennedy asked her.

“ 'Senator, he was convicted after trial of unlawful sexual contact under Maine law,” she responded.

“ 'That’s a nice way of putting it,” Kennedy mocked.

"Kennedy then asked about the nine-year-old, and Lipez responded with the same lame remark.

“ 'Senator, again, he was convicted of unlawful sexual contact against two children,” Lipez told him. “In that case, I did impose the sentence the state requested.”

"After describing what Smith did to the two girls, he noted, “Now where I come from, we call that sexual abuse,” Kennedy responded. “You can pretty it up all you want to, judge." . . .

And this:..... . ."Soccer moms in flyover country were given a lot of credit for Biden's success in 2020.   They apparently bought into the kindly grandpa fiction, despite the fact that Joe Biden has always been the guy you didn't want within 500 yards of your daughter.

. . ."Joe Biden's Supreme Court pick, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, was similarly criticized for having a pro-pedophile record. Judge Jackson once handed down the bare minimum sentence to a man guilty of sexually torturing babies.

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