Friday, August 2, 2024

Freed hostages and their families take a back seat to Biden's and Harris's victory lap

 Biden's hatred for Trump is so intense there is no idea what he might have given away to one-up him. TD

Ned Barnett - American Thinker 

"We can thank God that even such an inept man as President Biden can deliver hostages from Russia – as long as he gives in to every one of Putin’s demands.  Compare this to President Trump.  In his first term, he repatriated fifty hostages, without giving up everyone we have locked up, in America or in the jails of one of our allies." 

  . . ."However, just as every soldier quickly learns that in the name Meals, Ready to Eat (MRE), “there are three lies there in one name,” we quickly learned that the word of the president and the vice president were worth exactly what we knew would be the case.  As media whores, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris found it an unnatural act to ignore reporters with cameras and live microphones.  More on this in a moment.

"As an aside, I spent most of my career working with employers or clients … or presidential political candidates – going all the way back to 1976.

"Here’s what I’m sure I could pass a lie detector exam on:

  1. The plane with the ex-hostages was forced to circle the federal airfield while the president got his, ahem, “act” together.  At 11:00 p.m. EDT, the press was advised that the plane would land within ten minutes, and the presidential motorcade would arrive in eight minutes. They were also told that this was all about the families.  Like MREs, that was three lies in one statement.  The plane was made to orbit the airbase until the president arrived, about 30 minutes late.  So much for putting the families first – this was to be a media photo op for a retiring president still eager to appear relevant, and a presidential candidate desperate to look presidential.

  1. A presidential spokesperson said this was not a political event.  Neither the president nor the veep would make a statement or answer questions.  Remember, this was all about the families. Except that it wasn’t." . . .

. . ."Biden then got creepy with reporters, saying, “You’re stuck with me as president for awhile, kid. There’s no way out. You got me for at least 90 days or so.” 

"Can these two not be awkward for one event? Is that even possible? No wonder why this country is rudderless and in a state of chaos—we have two mental invalids at the helm." . . .

Biden Makes Odd Move After Receiving Americans That Leaves Kamala Bemused and Everyone Talking   . . ."Meanwhile, Biden said he would tell Russian leader Vladimir Putin to "Stop." That's really worked well so far. It's similar to his "Don't" to the Iranian-backed militants. That didn't work either. 

“ 'You’re stuck with me as president for a while, kid. There’s no way out. You got me for at least 90 days or so,” Biden then said ominously. In addition to him just being out and out wrong about the alleged time left that he's occupying the office, saying there's "no way out" is pretty scary and sounds like a threat. He can do a lot of damage in the time he has left." . . In his Walter Mitty dreams.

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