Friday, August 13, 2010

A road map to saving Medicare

Congressman Paul Ryan "Only in Washington could the government raid one entitlement program to finance a brand-new one and still claim that deficits have been reduced and entitlements have been reformed." Via Heritage

WikiLeaks preparing to release more Afghan files

AP "WikiLeaks spokesman Julian Assange said Thursday his organization is preparing to release the rest of the secret Afghan war documents it has on file. The Pentagon warned that would be more damaging to security and risk more lives than the organization's initial release of some 76,000 war documents."
Can't he be charged with accessory to murder?

The Gulf Recovery Obama Does Not Want to See

Heritage "Not on the agenda? Any meetings with oil workers in other Gulf states who are now unemployed thanks to President Obama’s Gulf oil drilling ban.
"If the President really wanted to see the economic damage his policies are causing in the Gulf, he could first stop in Pascagoula, Miss., where idle oil rigs in the Signal International shipyard have formed an eerie floating ghost city that locals have dubbed “Rig Row.”"

Thursday, August 12, 2010

WikiLeaks helps the Taliban to hunt an honest man

Hamida Ghafour , Abu Dhabi: "He is convinced that the publication of thousands of documents exposed him because he has never had such security problems before. During the first couple of phone calls, the caller told him to quit his job. "....
 "Gen Petraeus will have to hold his nerve against enormous political pressure from Washington and various European capitals to give up on what appears to be a lost cause and start bringing home soldiers.
"For my friend who knows the insurgents are waiting for a chance to kill him, it would be the very worst outcome."

Barack Obama's Ramadan Greeting, "Islam has always been part of America"

Infidel Blogger "These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings." Said he.

Recovery Blunder: Jobs Picture Gets Worse

Big Government "The jobless claims report “represents a very adverse turn in the labor market, threatening income growth and consumer spending,” Pierre Ellis, an economist at Decision Economics, wrote in a note to clients.
"The prospect of more layoffs added to this week’s grim outlook for the economy, which began Tuesday when the Federal Reserve lowered its assessment of the recovery."

'Pro-tolerance' Democrats wish death on Sarah Palin "State Rep. candidate Keith Halloran , of New Hampshire, recently responded to the plane crash in Alaska that killed former Senator Ted Stevens (R) by saying, “Just wish Sarah and Levy were on board.”
"And according to now! , he is not the only "pro-tolerance," "pro-diversity" Democrat leader in that state responding to the tragedy with such random, psychotically vicious hate."

New Hampshire Democrat Says He's Sorry for Palin Death Wish The left will begin attacking his apology in 3...2...1...

Harry vs. Hispanics

American Thinker "Harry Reid must by now be acquiring an epicurean appreciation for the flavor of footwear, considering how often he manages to wedge his wingtips firmly in that mealy mouth. If Harry ever gets athletes foot he'll have to get it treated by a dentist. Once again ol' Hotfoot Harry has taken careful aim and dropkicked himself square in the kisser with this gem, where he opines that he can't see how any Hispanic could be a Republican."

One solution to federal overreach

American Thinker "Legislation entitled the "Enumerated Powers Act" has been introduced in this Congress, both in the House (H.R. 450) and Senate (S. 1319). The bill is a simple, one-page proposal, summed up by the following language:
Each Act of Congress shall contain a concise and definite statement of the constitutional authority relied upon for the enactment of each portion of that Act.
"....These are not times for the timid. If we care to pass along to our posterity a nation that values individual liberty and limited government, as the United States Constitution provides, then we must require more of those whom we elect. At this moment in time, the Enumerated Powers Act provides a simple test of the real motives and true determination of our Congressmen and Senators."

The "Enumerated Powers Act" (EPA) "And it is the tradition of Congress, for each member, upon the start of their terms of office, to take an oath, promising to protect and uphold the Constitution. Yet virtually every day that Congress is in session these same oath-takers become law-breakers -- passing laws and expending funds on items that are not Constitutionally permissible."

Search results for the Enumerated Powers Act  Here; check it all out for yourself.

Her highness has some popularity problems

Ed Lasky  "Americans don't care much for royalty; remember our Revolution. We don't like when the President bows before the Saudi King or the Emperor of Japan, but treats democratically elected allies, such as the Prime Minister of Great Britain or the leader of Israel, as lepers. They don't like domestic royalty either and perceive the couple in the White House as increasingly people who see themselves as our King and Queen. "....
"Barack Obama's excessive use of the first person singular is a mite different than the royal we, but the narcissism that animates its use is the same."
Count Obama's uses of the words, "I", "my" and "mine" in his next public discourse.