Thursday, April 14, 2011

Obama's toxic speech and even worse plan for deficits and debt..

Wall Street Journal  "Mr. Obama ludicrously claimed that Mr. Ryan favors "a fundamentally different America than the one we've known throughout most of our history." Nothing is likelier to bring that future about than the President's political indifference in the midst of a fiscal crisis."
Yet the man is still a favorite of TV daytime talk shows and those dependent on government.
And  Muammar Gaddafi.
Rich Terrell, who means this in a nice way, I'm sure.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

On This Aborted Fetus, The Democrats Plant Their Flag

Ann Coulter  "And then, totally by accident, Republicans stumbled onto the Democrats' Achilles heel. Among their specific defunding proposals, Republicans had suggested taking mere peanuts away from Planned Parenthood.
"All the Republicans had to do was threaten to cut federal funding for abortion, and they won $40 billion in spending cuts overnight."
"I don't think Republicans did it deliberately. I'm pretty sure they just wanted to cut funding for Planned Parenthood. But, holy cow, did they find the Democrats' weak spot!"

Obama Goes in for the Kill; that Wednesday morning demagogic speech

Atlas Shrugs " Today Obama went in for the kill. He went after the producers, the country's only hope.
"Ayn Rand said, "The political expression of altruism is collectivism or statism, which holds that man’s life and work belong to the state—to society, to the group, the gang, the race, the nation—and that the state may dispose of him in any way it pleases for the sake of whatever it deems to be its own tribal, collective good.""

Krauthammer’s take on Obama’s budget address: ‘I thought it was a disgrace’ 
"“I rarely heard a speech by a president so shallow, so hyper-partisan and so intellectually dishonest, outside the last couple of weeks of a presidential election where you are allowed to call your opponent anything short of a traitor."
"“I’m going to give you one example of how dishonest it was – he went on and on how the Republicans want to steal from your grandma to lower taxes on the rich,” Krauthammer continued."
"Obama did this knowing that this is a way to play to his base. It was a speech that was quite remarkable in how demagogic it was and I say that with all due respect.”"

Neal Boortz's comment before the speech

Destroying One Koran or Many Christians; Which is Worse?

Raymond Ibrahim  "Such is the surreal and increasingly irrational world we live in, where irate Muslims and groveling Westerners obsess over the destruction of one book while ignoring the destruction of many human lives; where a guaranteed and hard-earned American right — freedom of expression — receives a lot of condemnatory huffing and puffing from those charged with protecting it, while murderous and barbarous — in a word, evil — behavior is devoutly ignored."

(Updated) The response to Pres. Obama’s debt speech

Rep. Paul Ryan Reacts to Obama’s Demagoguery "The Irishman’s ire. “We need leadership.”" (Video)

Dissecting the liberal assault on the House Republican budget.."One point of a document as subversive as Paul Ryan's 2012 budget is to provoke debate, and has it ever. But amid the thoughtful musings about starving orphans and grandma in a snowbank, could his critics at least get their facts right?
"Let's unpack the distortions."

Hot Air   "The bigger picture here is that Obama would not have even formed the Bowles-Simpson commission, had it not been for the right and the Tea Party raising the political temperature on the debt. Obama did so merely to try to punt the issue past the 2010 midterms. However, creating the commission validated the debt as a serious issue in the establishment’s echo chamber. And Obama’s silence on the issue created a vacuum that was filled by the GOP and the Tea Party, first in the results of the midterms and now in Rep. Paul Ryan’s long-term budget plan."
Tobytoons Via Big

Obama Speech Today

Neal Boortz  "Remember; this is all about the 2012 elections. The Democrats want the house back. They want their chance to work even harder to increase dependency on government. They took huge steps with ObamaCare .. but it wasn’t enough. The disappearance of self-reliance and an increase of government dependency mean more power for Democrats. That’s the game plan, pure and simple."

See here for post-speech comments

How do conservatives have a chance when every voice they hear on the air is against them?

CBS Validates and Rationalizes Obama's Strategy to Defeat 'Controversial' Ryan Plan By: Brent Baker  "Indeed, Reid contended the White House saw “an irresistible opportunity to portray Republicans as callous and extreme.”"

MSNBC's Matthews Rants: Paul Ryan's Plan Will 'Kill Half the People Who Watch This Show' "Matthews, along with liberal guests Howard Fineman and Richard Wolffe of Newsweek, dismissed Ryan's reform goals. Fineman hyperventilated, "The good thing for the President is the Paul Ryan Medicare plan, because it makes people angry. And, first of all, it scares seniors." Matthews lobbied, "Yes. Well, it should."" Emphasis in the original.

Meet the Press Panel: Obama 'Above the Fray' in Budget Fight  ""I think the President appears to be a mediator, and I think he, he rightfully gets some credit for averting the show – shutdown." CNBC Mad Money host Jim Cramer declared: "I think the President came out very much above this week, above the fray." New York Times White House correspondent Helene Cooper proclaimed: "[Obama] was trying very much to appear above the – above the fray....definitely did the political calculus that he has to appear above it all, presidential.""  The liberal equation: voting present=above the fray. Isn't that also our strategy for Libya as well?

Letting Obama Claim Credit On the Budget  "Is President Obama really the Deficit-Cutter-in-Chief? After racking up massive deficits through his various Stimulus programs and facing continued losses from Obamacare, the White House is now trying to portray Obama as taking a leading role in solving the problem."
Well, Ronald Reagan once said there was no limit to what you can get done when you don't care who gets the credit.

Behar Claims Poor Whites [and] Blacks Are ‘Oppressed by the Right Wing’   "These were rich Southern men who not only oppressed black people, they oppressed poor white people who made up most of the population. And so the idea that we’re empowering the people represented today want to go back to this time where they were more oppressed is a perfect representation of the Republican Party agenda today."

Bill Maher Tells Rachel Maddow He Hates Republicans as Much as She Does 
Bill Maher Tuesday made a statement on MSNBC that would be truly embarrassing for the so-called news network if any of its executives cared at all about being an impartial disseminator of information."

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

We’re There to Help/ And they’re there to kill us.

Islamic Rage Boy, professional protester

 Andrew C. McCarthy  "You’ve got to hand it to Allah: All that smiting and instilling terror works. General Petraeus is so terrified of what rampaging Afghan Muslims might do next that he could not bring himself to utter a word of criticism for their barbarity. Instead, as he offered condolences to the victims’ families, his wrath was targeted at Terry Jones.
"Jones is the pastor of an obscure Christian congregation in Gainseville, Fla., where he ceremonially burned a Koran last month. Mind you, it is standard practice to torch Bibles in Muslim countries, where apostasy from Islam is a capital offense and where proselytism of any creed other than Islam is forbidden. About that noxious practice, General Petreaus hasn’t made a peep — which goes a long way toward explaining why our military itself actually confiscated and destroyed Bibles in Afghanistan last year."

‘Coming Apart at the Seams’; America’s deepening class divide

Rich Lowry; National Review Online:  “The American Constitution is remarkable for its simplicity; but it can only suffice a people habitually correct in their actions, and would be utterly inadequate to the wants of a different nation. Change the domestic habits of the Americans, their religious devotion, and their high respect for morality, and it will not be necessary to change a single letter of the Constitution in order to vary the whole form of their government.” Quoting 19th-century observer of American life Francis Grund

Terrell's" 'O'mobile" pretty well nails it.

terrellaftermath is laughing WITH Mr. Obama, of course; not AT him

150 years ago today: Bombardment of Fort Sumter begins the American Civil War

Civil War at 150: How a Bloodless Battle Started It All  "...The Confederate government, knowing that its claims to sovereignty depended on no "foreign" power occupying any of its coastal forts, decided to act before the relief expedition arrived.
"Confederate leaders, therefore, ordered Charleston's chief military officer, Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard, a flamboyant Louisiana Creole, to demand Fort Sumter's surrender. Should that be refused, he was to open fire on the stronghold.
"James Chesnut, Jr., the former U.S. senator­ who'd pledged to drink the blood of casualties, was one of two emissaries who delivered the ultimatum to an ashen-faced Anderson at 3:25 a.m. on April 12, 1861—150 years ago Tuesday."

Sumter's measurements in 1861
Post-battle Fort Sumter photos

Sumter today Fox News


The impact of our War Between the States on other lands:
Australia and New Zealanders (Anzacs) in the war. "This website is a dedication to the Australian Union and Confederate Veterans of the American Civil War of 1861 – 1865."
The Irish and Meagher of the Irish Brigade (pronounced "Marr")
The Garibaldi Guards  "Three companies consisted of Germans, three of Hungarians, one of Swiss, one of Italians, one of Frenchmen, and one of Spaniards and Portuguese." Called "Lincoln's Foreign Legion". 
German-Americans in the Civil War  "...the Germans and their Dutch cousins settled and left their mark upon those regions, and came forth to serve their adopted land when hostilities erupted between North and South in 1861."

Civil War began 150 years ago today  "Though no lives were lost during this opening engagement, it would end four years later with a Citizenry liberated and an overdue 14th Amendment to our Constitution, the eventual evils of Reconstruction resulting from the assassination of thoughtful leader, and the rise of a powerful party in the South that would embody the preservation of segregation and manipulation of race politics for more than a century." (Emphasis added) That party would be the Democrat Party for those of you who know nothing about the history of this nation.

Today's Professional victims will try to connect Federalists of today with slave owners of the 1800's. Along with our honoring American history for the next four years, expect the likes of "The Reverends" Jackson, Sharpton, Wright and most leftist activists to pile on America in the months to come.

Nigeria: 1,000 Muslims attack Christian village: "Almost every home in the village was destroyed, and some elderly people were reported to have been burnt to death in their homes"

Jihad Watch  "The group is part of a larger band of 2,000 militants that has been attacking non-Muslim villages...."
Israel is surrounded by people like this, yet in the topsy-turvy world of [limosine, Hollywood, Washington] liberals, they are the oppressors and the attackers are their victims who must be shown deference and sympathy. Meanwhile on future "Law and Order" episodes, these Muslim victims will be attacked by violent, gun-toting Christians.