Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How do conservatives have a chance when every voice they hear on the air is against them?

CBS Validates and Rationalizes Obama's Strategy to Defeat 'Controversial' Ryan Plan By: Brent Baker  "Indeed, Reid contended the White House saw “an irresistible opportunity to portray Republicans as callous and extreme.”"

MSNBC's Matthews Rants: Paul Ryan's Plan Will 'Kill Half the People Who Watch This Show' "Matthews, along with liberal guests Howard Fineman and Richard Wolffe of Newsweek, dismissed Ryan's reform goals. Fineman hyperventilated, "The good thing for the President is the Paul Ryan Medicare plan, because it makes people angry. And, first of all, it scares seniors." Matthews lobbied, "Yes. Well, it should."" Emphasis in the original.

Meet the Press Panel: Obama 'Above the Fray' in Budget Fight  ""I think the President appears to be a mediator, and I think he, he rightfully gets some credit for averting the show – shutdown." CNBC Mad Money host Jim Cramer declared: "I think the President came out very much above this week, above the fray." New York Times White House correspondent Helene Cooper proclaimed: "[Obama] was trying very much to appear above the – above the fray....definitely did the political calculus that he has to appear above it all, presidential.""  The liberal equation: voting present=above the fray. Isn't that also our strategy for Libya as well?

Letting Obama Claim Credit On the Budget  "Is President Obama really the Deficit-Cutter-in-Chief? After racking up massive deficits through his various Stimulus programs and facing continued losses from Obamacare, the White House is now trying to portray Obama as taking a leading role in solving the problem."
Well, Ronald Reagan once said there was no limit to what you can get done when you don't care who gets the credit.

Behar Claims Poor Whites [and] Blacks Are ‘Oppressed by the Right Wing’   "These were rich Southern men who not only oppressed black people, they oppressed poor white people who made up most of the population. And so the idea that we’re empowering the people represented today want to go back to this time where they were more oppressed is a perfect representation of the Republican Party agenda today."

Bill Maher Tells Rachel Maddow He Hates Republicans as Much as She Does 
Bill Maher Tuesday made a statement on MSNBC that would be truly embarrassing for the so-called news network if any of its executives cared at all about being an impartial disseminator of information."

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