James Jay Carafano "Mr. Obama has promised to negotiate away the Iranian nuclear threat and failed.
'He has promised to negotiate an Israeli-Palestinian peace and failed.
'His 2009 Cairo speech was so vacuous, it promised nothing, so I suppose you could argue he delivered on that one.
'Still, it’s hard to take seriously the words of a leader who has so abjectly failed to make good on previous promises." ....
"The bulk of speech consisted of warmed over promises and calls for more dead-end dialogue. This was an exercise in cheerleading, not leading."
James Jay Carafano is director of the Heritage Foundation’s Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies
Hold That Tiger "In giving his speech the president may have done three things, none of which he quite intended. First, he has essentially denounced as evil and misguided, though in a lukewarm fashion, decades of American policy in the Middle East. Second, he has delegitimized Israel, at least within the context of its current borders. Third, he has by implication suggested that the rule of many of his allies is undemocratic and, in consequence, declared himself King of Arabia. He has assumed ultimate responsibility for the political development of the region now. He’s declared it broken. Now he owns it."
Richard Fernandez
Peace and the ‘Right of Return’ "And contrary to initial reports in the Guardian, the
Palestine Papers* do not reveal conciliatory Palestinians pitted against inflexible Israelis. For example, whereas Israel is prepared to welcome a small symbolic number of refugees, the PA seeks to preserve an unlimited flow that would, by sheer numbers and deliberate intention, end Israel by turning it into an Arab-majority state.
(*pdf; And contrary to initial reports in the Guardian, the Palestine Papers do not reveal conciliatory Palestinians pitted against inflexible Israelis. For example, whereas Israel is prepared to welcome a small symbolic number of refugees, the PA seeks to preserve an unlimited flow that would, by sheer numbers and deliberate intention, end Israel by turning it into an Arab-majority state.)
America Drowns, But Obama Throws the Mideast Our Life Preserver "It's the kind of stupid you can only afford with other people's money."
Standing Strong with Israel "When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visits President Barack Obama at the White House today for three hours of meetings, he will likely ask the President a very important question: Do you stand by the long-standing U.S. commitments to Israel’s future as a Jewish state?"
The Golden Gates (the two enclosed arches on the Eastern Wall)
were cemented shut centuries ago to prevent the
prophets from returning to the Temple Mount |
• The real Palestinian homeland is now known as Jordan.
• Remember that Yassir Arafat was an Egyptian, not a Palestinian.
• Those we call “Palestinians” are essentially cannon fodder for Arab Countries that want to destroy the State of Israel.
•If Israel is forced back to its 1967 boundaries the country may well become indefensible. Several larger Israeli cities will be in range of rocket fire, and you can bet the ranch that Hamas, Hezbollah or some other anti-Israeli Muslim faction will load up the rocket launchers sooner or later.
Nealz Nuze
The 1949 armistice lines |
Obama’s Strategic Ambiguity On ‘1967 Lines’
"The dovish Israeli diplomat Abba Eban once referred to Obama’s new proposed border as the “Auschwitz” lines, meaning that they placed Israel in such a vulnerable position–making the country just a few miles wide at one point–that they were a constant temptation to Israel’s enemies.
"Yet was Obama’s proposal really a departure from past U.S. policy? The AP thinks so, as does NPR and the BBC. ...President Bush called for a Palestinian state in 2005 based on the 1949 armistice lines, stating that “changes to the 1949 Armistice lines must be mutually agreed to.” And though Obama referenced 1967 rather than 1949, he used the term “lines,” not “borders.”
Via Big Peace.