... "The Downing Street memo consisted of minutes from a July 2002 meeting of British labor, defense and intelligence officials during the run-up to the Iraq War, in which the MI6 head, Richard Dearlove, reportedly said that "Bush wanted to remove Saddam Hussein, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.' " ...
..."You don't pay a half-million dollars to someone who is only peripherally involved in making policy. (Unless we're talking about Obama himself.)
"There was no tape of Bush and Blair running around saying: Trust this guy -- the memo writer is our guide! But that's what Obama, Nancy Pelosi, then-Sen. John Kerry and other Democrats said about Gruber.
-- Kerry on Oct. 1, 2009: "(Gruber) has been our guide on a lot of this ...""Gruber had more than a dozen meetings at the White House during the drafting of Obamacare. The Downing Street memo writer had no meetings at the Bush White House. Even the guy he was quoting had only one. "
-- Pelosi on Nov. 5, 2009: "Our bill brings down rates -- I don't know if you have seen Jonathan Gruber's MIT analysis ..."
-- Obama's Organizing for Action website, until the tapes surfaced: "Jon Gruber, who helped write Obamacare ..."