Monday, December 1, 2014

British Bishop Wants Prince Charles to Surrender to Islam

Shoebat via IOTWReport   "There are plenty of Muslims in Great Britain who are pushing for the inclusion of Islam into British society. They don’t need any help from British political and religious authorities but they sure are getting it."
Turkish Sheikh Hisham Kabbani with Prince Charles (photo via Phoenix Publishing).
"The latest example comes from the Daily Mail, which quotes a top bishop who says the Qur’an should be read at the coronation of Prince Charles:
Prince Charles’s coronation service should be opened with a reading from the Koran, a senior Church of England bishop said yesterday.
The gesture would be a ‘creative act of accommodation’ to make Muslims feel ‘embraced’ by the nation, Lord Harries of Pentregarth said.
But critics attacked the idea, accusing the Church of ‘losing confidence’ in its own institutions and traditions.
Lord Harries, a former Bishop of Oxford and a leading CofE liberal thinker, said he was sure Charles’s coronation would give scope to leaders of non-Christian religions to give their blessing to the new King......

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Dave Barry’s 2014 Holiday Gift Guide (Oops, I meant CHRISTMAS)

Miami Herald 
"The holidays are a super-busy time of year, and it’s too easy, with all the hustle and bustle, to forget about what this season is really all about. So we will remind you: It’s about purchasing high-tech consumer devices at retail.
"This is a tradition that dates back to the Nativity, as we can see in this dialogue among the Three Kings, taken verbatim from the Bible:
"FIRST KING: OK, we just have to follow that star, and it will guide us.
"SECOND KING: Really? That seems kind of vague.
"THIRD KING: Why don’t I get directions from this new technological device I bought at retail?
"FIRST KING: What is it?
"THIRD KING: It’s a primitive GPS, powered by olive oil.
"SECOND KING: What does “GPS” stand for?
"THIRD KING: I have no idea. But it has turn-by-turn directions! 
"GPS: Turn left at the Sphinx.
"FIRST KING: The Sphinx?
"SECOND KING: Apparently it thinks we’re in Egypt.
"FIRST KING: OK, like I said, we follow the star.
"THIRD KING: I’m glad I bought the service agreement.
Go here for the list, complete with pictures. Unless, of course you read the Tunnel Wall just for the articles. Below is just a sample of the photos.

NIGHT GLOW TOILET SEAT   ... "And then you notice that both the toilet and bathtub are missing. And then you realize you’re actually in a closet.
Read more here:
BLACK TOILET PAPER  Why would you give somebody black toilet paper? To answer that question, let’s quote the Amazon Product Description: “Black toilet paper will make a statement in any bathroom.”

Read more here:

OSTRICH PILLOW This is the perfect gift for the busy executive or airline pilot on your holiday gift list who needs to “get away from it all” by power-napping for brief periods, although preferably not during takeoff or landing.
Much more at the link...

Read more here:

Black on White on Black Crime

Black Male Crisis: Ferguson-Inspired Documentary in the Works
... "A call for action:
Americans need to take action. Black lives matter. All lives matter and we can’t tell their stories and help America changes its values without your help.
Imagery Of Innocent White People Victimized By Blacks Since Integration Was Created in 1964 *  "Note:  In 2005, the Justice Dept. - in one of only two cases that I can find - released a report regarding crimes that crossed racial lines.  More than 90% of all the violence in these types of crimes came from African-Americans.  And almost ALL of their victims - 580,000 of them -  were white. SOURCE (bottom of pg)
All the images below, which represent less than 1% of the total white victims of black violence,  are taken from my 'victim's list.'  If you have any questions, or complaints, leave them in the comment section at the bottom of the page. "   See all the images here.
 Black Males: Murder / Attempted Murder Of White Police Officers
*Very informative article, but the underlying message seems to condemn the integration of the 60s, a message I fervently disagree with. I feel the social influences - many because of liberal policies - have had much more to do with this that integration. I never want to go back to those shameful days when blacks had to take the leftovers of society that were not claimed by whites. However I utterly condemn the racist violence that the left hopes to benefit from; demagogues such as Sharpton and Jackson being the role models for such disgusting business. The Tunnel Dweller.

 "My Internet search - so far - has produced the following for police officers gunned down since 1970:
--White police officers gunned down by Black males:  
    Deceased = 167
    Survived = 20

--Black police officers gunned down by White males:  
   Deceased = 3 
   Injured = 0 


“What if they held an election but America’s President said it didn’t count?”

Legal Insurrection   "We did, in November!"

Conservative Warchest Video
"I just stumbled on this video from Conservative War Chest at FOX Nation and there’s only one word to describe it.
"This spot goes after Obama, the Democratic Party and the liberal media. It perfectly captures the mood of conservative post-midterm America.
"Check it out:

"Here’s the description from Conservative War Chest::
Obama Putting at Risk “What’s Best About America”
(Washington, DC)—“As families gather to celebrate the American miracle, many are troubled and in disbelief this Thanksgiving because the President of the United States has “gone rogue” and is abetted by a compliant media,” Mike Flynn, spokesman of Conservative War Chest said announcing the new 2-minute television ad. “Just weeks ago, millions of Americans voted for a new direction in this country. Unfortunately, the President has chosen to slip the surly bonds of politics and ignore the voters,” Flynn added.
"Well said."

Bloomberg Politics: The Epic Two-Minute Attack Ad That Will Hit Mary Landrieu on Thanksgiving

VIDEO] Eating Spaghetti: Golden Retriever versus German Shepherd

Should you be considering one of these dogs for a pet, you may want to know this.

Bookworm Room


Justice Dept Investigation Is Next Chapter In Ferguson Case

Ferguson demonstrators rioted a second night Tuesday with TV cameras airing all the mayhem over the Missouri grand jury's verdict which sided in favor of the Ferguson cop. The rioters smashed the window of a Pay-Less shoe store and looted the place. They took everything except the work boots. Argus Hamilton
Ferguson Looting
Andrew C. McCarthy: Progressive Mythography; Officer Wilson should never even have been brought before the grand jury.  ... "Suddenly, grand-jury procedure was all the rage. Commentators better known for parroting the bromide that a prosecutor can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich went berserk when the sandwich on offer was a white cop and the grand jury refused to bite."

CNN: Michael Brown autopsy “expert” may be a fraud   "The easiest conclusion one can reach is that the media didn’t feel the need to check into Parcells’ background and claims because he gave them the narrative that they wanted to sell. If that’s the case, then Parcells wasn’t the one running the con."

Fuel Me Once

obama, obama jokes, cartoon, humor, political, stilton jarlsberg, hope n' change, hope and change, ferguson, mike brown, grand jury, looters, riots, violence
... "What this incendiary situation does not need is Barack Hussein Obama second-guessing the Grand Jury and telling the looters (in wink-wink nudge-nudge fashion) that they damn well should be angry at filthy awful white people. Unfortunately, that's the subtext that came through loud and clear in his statement following the announcement of the Ferguson decision." ...

Friday, November 28, 2014

For our dog Lovers

Eagles Game 2014   The home of Michael Vick?

The Grand Jury System Is Broken

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Commentary Magazine   "The announcement of the grand jury’s decision in the Ferguson case could hardly have been worse handled. The prosecutor waited until well after nightfall to make the announcement and the governor, having mobilized the national guard to protect persons and property, kept them in their barracks while the rioters ran wild." 
Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

Watch: CNN Reporter Blasts Jesse Jackson Over How Little Sense His Ferguson Rhetoric Makes

Western Journalism  "While Ferguson continues to burn following a grand jury declining to indict Darren Wilson, CNN reporter Don Lemon asked Jesse Jackson a serious question:
“But Reverend, with all due respect, if people need jobs in the community, why would you burn down a store or a place where you could possibly work?”
“If you want a job, if you want to be educated then you go look for a job, you go look for an education, what does it have to do with burning down your neighbor or burning down a store that someone needs for their livelihood?” Lemon continued.
“Someone needs the income from that store. That is their job. Someone needs that income to pay their bills. What does one have to do with the other?”
"The Rev. stalled but then sidestepped the question, saying that the disproportionate ratio of black/white police officers and firefighters led to an “irrational dimension of pain.”
 Read more and see video

Natalie's Cakes & More Facebook page
Order cakes from Natalie

Victor Davis Hanson on the past six years of Obama

Explaining Away Obama

Photo via PJMedia
"The only mystery about the last six years is how much lasting damage has been done to the American experiment, at home and abroad. Our federal agencies are now an alphabet soup of incompetence and corruption [1]. How does the IRS ever quite recover [2]? Will the Secret Service always be seen as veritable Keystone Cops? Is the GSA now a reckless party-time organization [3]? Is the EPA institutionalized as a rogue appendage of the radical green movement with a director who dabbles in online pseudonyms [4]? Do we accept that the Justice Department dispenses injustice or that the VA can be a lethal institution for our patriots? Is NASA now a Muslim outreach megaphone [5] as we hire Russia, the loser of the space race, to rocket us into orbit?

"Will anyone again ever believe a U.S. red line, step-over line, or deadline? Will Iran ever accept that it should not have a bomb or fear the consequences of trying to get one? Is Iraq (omnis effusus labor) a sort of rescued Eurydice that was abruptly lost on the trek up from the Underworld? Will Afghanistan become Saigon, 1975? How could Putin ever again be worried about offending a U.S. president, or could China or North Korea? Are we now always to be allies of Islamist Turkey and indifferent to its enemies like our once-allied Kurds, Cypriots, Greeks, and Israelis?" ...
Full article.

The Forgotten AmericansObama’s coalition is held together only by his personal mythography.

 President Obama rallies the faithful in Wisconsin, November 2012. (Scott Olseon/Getty)
... "For liberals for whom power is the true goal, California is seen as a success because there are no more conservatives like Ronald Reagan or Pete Wilson in statewide office. Over the last 30 years, unchecked illegal immigration, an influx of high-income urban liberal professionals to the Los Angeles and San Francisco Bay areas, and a steady exodus of the white middle and working classes explain why this liberal blue state has the largest number of both poor and wealthy people in the nation — and a shrinking conservative percentage of the electorate.

"But is the California progressive future applicable throughout the United States?... Full article.


Luis Gutirrez: The Immigration Demagogues

"Hoping for surrender on amnesty, Representative Luis Gutierrez demagogues and bullies."

  John Fund

"Al Sharpton, make some room to your left. The Reverend Sharpton now has a competitor for the title “demagogue in chief” of American politics. Representative Luis Gutierrez of Illinois, Congress’s most outspoken advocate for immigration amnesty, appeared on MSNBC after President Obama announced his executive actions and was asked by Rachel Maddow why Republicans were opposing Obama. Gutierrez’s reasoned response was: “If you want to make it about people from Latin America, if you want to use xenophobia, if you want to use bigotry and hatred and [the president], then you want to mix up the facts.”
Gutierrez has followed up sound-bite missiles like that with something akin to a victory lap through America’s urban areas. He tells immigrants it is “my responsibility, now that [Obama] has done the executive action, to sign up as many people as possible.” That means getting them to pre-register for the time next year when applications will be available for what is likely to lead to amnesty.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Univision's Ramos To Journalists: 'Stop Pretending We're Neutral'

" 'We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim.' " 

Well, who do you call "victims"? Those who are oppressed by the strong-arm robbers like Michael Brown, or do you consider Brown to be the victim of that shopkeeper?

Who demonstrates in support of the owners and employees of the destroyed businesses? Are those calling for the deaths of white people victims? When black youths punch unsuspecting passers-by, then dance over their prostrate form, just who do you call "oppressed"?
Are those who cry to "burn this b---h down!" to be considered oppressed? Apparently Mr. Ramos would say so.

Truth Revolt

... "During his speech before the group of journalists and media executives, Ramos made the case for journalists to drop the facade of impartiality and to use their voices and influence not just to inform but as activists to change policy:

" 'The best of journalism happens when we take a stand: when we question those who are in power, when we confront the politicians who abuse their authority, when we denounce an injustice," Ramos said. "The best of journalism happens when we side with the victims, with the most vulnerable, with those who have no rights. The best of journalism happens when we, purposely, stop pretending that we are neutral and recognize that we have a moral obligation to tell truth to power."

Maybe nonsense to power?