Christie took the Joe Biden position. Don't look for him to be vice-president however; not on a ticket with a New Yorker already on it. Attorney General might be a good role for Christie. TD
Western Journalism . . . "Christie, who stood behind Trump throughout the speech, made Twitter headlines, as he appeared to look less like a peer and strong political supporter, and more like his sidekick, or “house boy.”
It might not have been the wisest political move for Christie
"Corie Stephens, a writer for the news organization Rare, tweeted, “I can’t believe Chris Christie is standing behind Trump like his house boy. I hope getting pounded like this feels good.”
"The official Huffington Post Twitter account joined the action, tweeting a picture of Christie standing behind Trump, captioning it, “This is still awkwardly happening.' ” . . .
. . . But now Christie is also taking blows from the left. Six New Jersey newspapers are now calling for his resignation. . . .