Standing with Israel and against anti-Semitism and all forms of hatred is the American way. Israel is a democracy and a strong ally of the United States that deserves the support of all Americans. And anti-Semitism is an ancient and toxic prejudice that has no place in our great nation. American Greatness
The faces of love for Israel |
American Progressivism’s Determined Racism – Issues & Insights ( "Hamas’ slaughter in Israel has revealed American progressives reveling in racism here. For racism to be acceptable to them, it need only fit into the ideological justification of self-styled “progressives:” determinism. Since October 7, America’s progressives, such as the far-left House Members known as “the Squad,” have proved this repeatedly among our so-called elites — on college campuses, among politicians, and in journalists’ print. They have also implicitly shown that their ultimate target is not just Israel and Jews, but America and its values.
"The latest example of progressives’ regression came from within our own house: the House of Representatives. On Wednesday, October 25, its eight ultra-left members known as “the Squad” refused to vote to condemn Hamas’ attack on Israel. Six (Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.; Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn.; Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich.; Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y.; Rep. Summer Lee, D-Pa.; and Cori Bush, D-Mo.) of the eight voted against the legislation, while two Squad members (Rep. Greg Casar, D-Tex., and Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass.) just voted “present.” For progressives, the Squad’s regression from moral clarity to amoral opacity is mild in comparison to compatriots who have been forthrightly anti-Semitic in their expressions.
"The aftermath of the Hamas terror attack has proved that today’s self-proclaimed “progressives” of America’s left are, in fact, extremely regressive." . . .
Ivy League School Shuts Down Anti-Semitic Palestinian Student Groups | The Daily Wire "Columbia University announced on Friday that it was banning two anti-Semitic student groups on campus for the remainder of the fall term after they repeatedly violated school rules.
"The private New York City school suspended Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) as official student groups in light of their recent actions on campus." . . .
The American Spectator "When a bunch of animals at Massachusetts Institute of Technology barred entrance to Lobby 7, the main access to the university, illegally trespassing, MIT’s gutless president initially announced she would suspend the criminal trespassers. Then, presumably after consulting with whatever DEI and Black Lives Matter consultants she needs to please, she melted faster than the Wicked Witch of the West during Hurricane Hillary. No suspension. Why the change? Uh, “visa concerns.' ” Sadly the rest is behind a paywall.
Hamas Terrorist Attack Drove the Left’s Growing Antisemitism Into the Open › American Greatness ( . . ."Sadly, these hate crimes get very little press coverage, especially in the national media. This probably is because, in the American Left’s worldview of “intersectionality,” diversity, equity, and inclusion, they refuse to include Jewish Americans as a protected group because of open anti-Semitism, hatred of Israel, and their alliance with radical Islamists, including radical Palestinian activists.
"The recent pro-Hamas and anti-Israel protests in American cities and on college campuses are the result of this leftist-Islamist alliance and their years of work to promote a false narrative of Palestinians as the victims of Israeli oppression. Many of the college students who recently signed letters blaming Israel for the atrocities committed by Hamas are mindless ignoramuses who don’t know where Gaza is and can’t spell the word “Israel.”. . .
Also in 2019, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn) introduced a resolution in the House of Representatives comparing Israel to Nazi Germany and supporting the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement that seeks to wage economic warfare on the Jewish state. Omar’s resolution was co-sponsored by Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich) and Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga).
With anti-Semitism on the rise again, there are steps everyone can take to counter it ( . . ."We are professors who teach public administration, a field that prepares students for government and nonprofit jobs. We have all worked in the public and nonprofit sectors, and we also are all Jewish.
"We never hid our religious identity before, but we also did not highlight it in our classrooms – until now.
"All of us believe we have a responsibility to train our students to work with diverse staff and serve diverse communities. After the mass shooting at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue on Oct. 27, 2018 - the deadliest attack on Jews in U.S. history - and other alarming acts, we sought resources to help us address this tragedy. More broadly, we wanted to better equip our students to address anti-Semitism." . . .