Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Kathleen Parker: The Barry Lynn of The South By Ann Coulter

HumanEvents "Oh, and one more thing. I was once employed by MSNBC. Speaking as an MSNBC insider, I regret to inform you: We MSNBC-ers hate the military, loathe cops, despise the South and absolutely detest Christians. No really, take it from me -- I'm an old MSNBC hand."

Iraqi PM, Annoyed at U.S., Plans to Visit Syria for Security Talks

CNSNews "The comment was the latest indication of emerging strains in the relationship between the Iraqis and the Americans as the balance of power shifts with the impending withdrawal of U.S. forces by the end of 2011."

White House comments on Medal of Freedom winners

Google News "Statements from the White House on the 16 recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which President Barack Obama awarded on Wednesday:"

The People Are Angry? You Don’t Say

PajamasMedia "What was seen as benign corruption is now properly viewed as a danger to the health, safety, and happiness of ordinary Americans. Democrats should brace for an electoral bloodbath a year from now. The GOP should take note. In choosing the candidates who will try and make that bloodbath happen, Republicans should choose people who will increase the stature of Congress in the eyes of the public rather than the insincere flimflam that too often ends up carrying an (R) label to Washington."

Obama's Potemkin Village town halls

AmericanThinker "Unfortunately, the man cannot even learn his lines. Hence the tethering to the teleprompter. The man was sold to the American people and now the bill is coming due. Many are experiencing buyer’s remorse. People are objecting to his plans to nationalize health care and saddle us with trillions of dollars of even more taxes. What to do ? Send the man, not the plan, on tour."

Why U.S. Diplomacy Will Fail With Iran

Wall Street Journal "Mr. Obama's problem is that Mr. Khamenei could only have chosen Ahmadinejad because he does not want friendly talks with the U.S. He evidently calculates that without the ideology of "anti-Americanism" the regime would collapse. He is right."

It's the Plan, Stupid

AmericanThinker "With Americans learning more each day about the ObamaCare plan, the growing public resistance to all the unpleasant and chilling aspects of a government takeover is the wild card. For all of the months of Democrat strategy and tactics, the public is now focusing squarely on the plan, and they do not like what they see."

UNTANGLING THE SPAGHETTI By Mark Steyn "If you expand the bureaucratic class and you expand the dependent class, you can put together a permanent electoral majority. By “dependent”, I don’t mean merely welfare, although that’s a good illustration of the general principle. In political terms, a welfare check is a twofer: you’re assuring the votes both of the welfare recipient and of the vast bureaucracy required to process his welfare. "

Gary Varvel Cartoon


Neal Boortz "...They only have to be lucky once. Just once if they can get some version of government health care passed, they'll be able to use that program -- as weak or strong as it may be - to chip away at the private sector year after year until control is complete. Those who believe in freedom - those who believe that the private sector can do the best job of delivering health care to the people (if the government would just get out of the way) are going to have to fight this battle time and time again. "

The illustrated guide to Obamacare human props

By Michelle Malkin "Little Julia Hall is just the latest in-the-tank questioner with Obama campaign/Democrat ties to turn up “randomly” at presidential health care forums. Here’s your illustrated guide to Obamacare human props."

Obama Says Grandmother’s Hip Replacement Raises Cost Questions

Bloomberg "Obama said “you just get into some very difficult moral issues” when considering whether “to give my grandmother, or everybody else’s aging grandparents or parents, a hip replacement when they’re terminally ill. " You can always let that, y'know, like, "panel" decide for you.